Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Choosing the Perfect Anti-Aging Skin Care Products

Our society places a great deal of emphasis on youth and looking young. As a woman gets older, she is faced with the problem of finding a way to battle the effects of aging. Starting a search for anti-aging products can be a mind-boggling experience. She will find herself faced with a vast array of expensive products, each claiming that it will make her look young again. How can she ever decide what the ideal products are for her without breaking the bank?

She could go the route celebrities do and have plastic surgery. However, like many women, she just isn't willing to go through surgery for the sake of her appearance. So, her other alternative is to find a product that will noticeably minimize the effects of aging for her. If she is only showing the beginning signs of aging, the right products can work wonders for her.

Okay, now our woman has decided she's going to try anti-aging products. She's at a loss to know where to start. She looks at a local department store and finds a plethora of expensive products and salespeople trying to sell her all of them. At a nearby mass merchandiser the problem is even greater as she faces shelves loaded with different products. And there are even more products in her grocery store and on Internet sites she looks at.

Because of the thousands of products available, as well as the high costs of many of the products, many women spend great quantities of money without ever finding a product that works. The best way to avoid wasting money on anti aging skin care products that don't work is to actively research different products before committing to buy anything.

One excellent method of research is to ask other people what products work for them. If you have family or friends that are fighting the aging process just as you are, you can get wonderful recommendations from them. One advantage of asking people you know for suggestions is that they aren't just saying things to try to sell you a product like salespeople are.

For women who don't want to disclose this information to their family or friends, the internet can provide a wealth of information about personal experiences with different products. Many websites offer unbiased reviews and opinions of a wide range of anti-aging wrinkle cream products. These websites allows you to find out how certain products performed for other women, increasing the chances of finding one that will work for you.

This type of review can help you to gather a large quantity of information, without ever telling anyone that you are looking to improve your appearance. These reviews are not foolproof, as what works for one person may not work as well for you, but they can be helpful in ruling out products that have garnered mainly complaints. Your best bet is to compare reviews on several different sites, and see which products get mainly positive reviews.

It has taken her several weeks to research anti-aging products thoroughly, and she knows that she still may have to try more than once. She also knows, though, that she's saved herself a great deal of money and grief by educating herself well before taking the plunge.

Jen Hopkins has worked in the anti wrinkle cream industry for years. He maintains websites about LifeCell and best wrinkle cream. If you want to contact him, you can use the contact for at one of his sites.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

What Is An Anti-Wrinkle Cream About?

Wrinkles appear naturally as a person is getting older. However, for most people, particularly women, wrinkles have become a nightmare since it reduces facial beauty. Hence, the wrinkle treatment has developed to be a multi-million or even billion dollar industry, as people try to avoid this issues of aging.

Among all treatments, one that is affordable is wrinkle cream. These treatments commonly demand daily or occasionally twice daily application of creams and lotions to the face to keep the appearance of lines and wrinkles. A lot of wrinkle creams and lotions are sold in department stores, in pharmacies and on the Internet.

They may slightly improve the look of your skin by means of vitamins as part of components. It also depends upon the duration of the use of the product, the amount and type of the active ingredient in the cream. However, many of these creams do not contribute pleasing result, as each person has distinct skin types. It is better to consult to the nearest dermatitis doctor before applying any wrinkle creams.

Among these creams, one of the latest and best is the lotion with Vitamin C. The lotion is to enhance skin's natural healing ability and improve the look of fine lines and wrinkles. Another alternative some women battling wrinkles choose is getting Botox and collagen injections. Whichever technique people prefer, the natural approach is commonly preferred by most to refurnish the skin, providing no scars and cuts naturally.

Great effects have been attained with most of anti wrinkle treatments. So it is entirely up to each person's preferences.

Short note about the author
Ron is the owner of My Facial Treatment -
This article is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial- NoDerivs

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Fountain of Youth - Can You Find It?

While we keep looking for that elusive Fountain of Youth, we may at least be able to slow the process of aging. That, in itself, would be something to smile about! Many scientists believe that free radical damage is the underlying cause of disease and that antioxidants give a powerful boost to the search for the Fountain of Youth!

Free radicals, antioxidants and molecular and atomic processes, and how cells communicate with each other, are complicated matters, which require intensive study and research. Here is a simplified version to give you a picture of some aspect of what is involved and how you can act intelligently approach that much desired Fountain of Youth!

In a nutshell: Free radicals are atoms and molecules (the smallest knows building blocks of life itself) with unpaired electrons. Because they are "hungry," in their search for the missing electron they damage tissues and cells, causing illness and aging. When cells die, the body ages! Antioxidants eliminate free radicals by neutralizing them, rendering them harmless.

Every single cell in your body, and you have in the neighborhood of 10 trillion different ones, make up the organism which is YOU! A cell is the smallest self-sufficient unit of life. It is said that healthy cells make a healthy body. That makes sense, doesn't it? In fact, it's a no-brainer!

So, what are free radicals, and why are they a threat to your body?

Without dipping deeply into microbiology here, let's just say that free radicals are unstable molecules and atoms. They are unstable because in their structure they are supposed to have an equal number of protons (nuclear particles) to electrons (compatible particles), which make them "stable" or "whole."

For various reasons free radical molecules are missing an electron and now, like a thief in the night, they steal that missing electron from another molecule, wounding it so it can no longer function properly. Free radicals have a voracious appetite for electrons! They attack anything they can find: proteins, carbohydrates, fats and particularly DNA molecules. It is believed that this accumulated damage underlies many of our worst diseases: from arthritis to Alzheimers, disease, cancer, heart disease, aging, stroke, and diabetes .... In essence, biological aging is the accumulation of oxidative damage due to free radicals and at some point in your life you realize you are no longer as young as you used to be. And you begin to feel it!

While normal metabolism itself has always created some free radicals, the body, especially a young body, provides its own antioxidants to prevent lasting damage - at least for those young years. Eventually aging sets in and free radical damage accelerates. But what makes us, in our modern times, so susceptible to free radical damage and thus premature aging, is just that: our modern way of life! Our environment adds a great deal of stress in the form of foreign particles to our bodies via air pollution, water pollution, cigarette smoke, radiation, heavy metals, and even exercise (believe it or not!) and even the effects of the sun! Our diet, especially our fast-paced (fast food) diet, is often a major cause of damage to the body. Additives in processed foods, food colorings, flavorings, chlorinated drinking water, carbonated drinks, and excess sugar consumption - all that can make you vulnerable to free radical damage.

How can you escape this downward spiral?

Fortunately we live in a world of polarity where there is an antidote to the "bad guys" of free radicals: they are called antioxidants, and they are the "good guys"! They move around your body as "donors." They carry with them extra electrons that they freely give to the "thieves" and thus they neutralize those radicals so they cannot damage anymore.

Our bodies, as I mentioned before, produce these antioxidants when we are young, but their production diminishes with age. For other sources of antioxidants we look to what Mother Nature provides: fruits, vegetables, green tea, etc. all are rich in phytonutrients (phyto=plant) that act as antioxidants. Also Vitamins, A, C & E and beta-carotene have good antioxidant quality but there are new, much more powerful antioxidants on the market that provide many times the effectiveness of those vitamins combined. In fact, not all antioxidants are created equal: some neutralize only one type of free radical, others neutralize many; in other words, some use a shotgun approach and some a rifle approach. You may want to inform yourself so you can select what's best for you.

If you desire a longer and healthier life you might consider adapting your lifestyle: eating foods that are close to nature versus being highly processed, eating lots of fruits and vegetables, preferably organic, drinking contaminant-free water, avoiding stress as best you can and getting restful sleep. Those who recognize the importance of antioxidants and incorporate them into their daily diet can reasonably expect to live longer and healthier lives.

Antioxidants can at least slow down the aging process and delay the onset of chronic debilitating conditions that rob so many people of their youthful health and vitality.

When you are informed and take good care of the body you live in you increase your chances for getting closer to that elusive Fountain of Youth!

Britt Mittemeijer has been interested in health and wellness for herself and others all her life. Now a hands-on grandmother, her conscious living is paying off. Realizing that her clients lead busy lives she offers basic and easy alternatives to better health that neither take much time nor much effort to be effective. Learn how you can create optimal health from the inside out with ease using a few basic principles. Get your complimentary report here:

Feel free to use this article, but if you do, it must be verbatim in its entirety including the Resource information.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Right Wrinkle Cream For Your Skin

I've read a lot of wrinkle cream reviews and from these reviews and from my own experience I've discovered when using wrinkle creams or any other type of anti aging skin care, it really matters to get the right one for your skin. If you have oily skin like I do some wrinkle creams will make your skin look and feel even oilier.

For the longest time I avoided wrinkle creams because of the way they made my skin feel. I even avoided sunscreen because it too made my skin feel so oily. Though that didn't worked out so well when I end up getting sunburned. Even using creams that have SPF and made for oily still made my skin feel oily. One of the things that were stressed in wrinkle cream reviews was that you need to protect your skin, I just didn't for the longest time because I didn't like the way creams made my skin feel.

A few months ago I read in a magazine that suggested using a serum if you have oily skin. I thought I'd give it a try and I found an inexpensive serum that I absolutely love! Right after I use it my skin does not feel oily yet it's moist and soft. I noticed the difference right away after using the serum for a couple of days. I use it in the morning and before I go to bed. Using it in the morning keeps my skin soft making my makeup easier to apply and throughout the day my skin doesn't feel as oily yet still maintains that soft look. When I use at night and wake up in the morning I notice I have less sleep lines!

Another thing I like about the serum I discovered is the price. It's about $11 and comparing the price to others it's still a great deal. Some serums can cost up to $50 to $90 dollars! I found one brand online for $115!

The best wrinkle cream has to be able to fit your needs. I've found that serums meet mine but for others that may not work. A friend of mine has really dry skin. When she uses oil blotting sheets, they're almost completely dry! If I use them, I have to use at least two! Though it's a lot better than when I was younger and using three.

So for someone with dry skin, like my friend, they would probably need a cream to go along with their anti aging skin care regime. I've read wrinkle cream reviews that have suggested the following oils in the ingredients would work best for dry skin: Chamomile , Geranium, Hyssop, Lavender, Patchouli, Rose, Sandalwood and Ylang-Ylang.

Getting plenty of rest also helps since that is when natural cellular skin repair is at it's optimum. Exercise helps since it boosts circulation and blood flow and drinking plenty of water. There are plenty of tips online if you do a simple search using your favorite search engine or even checking out a book at the library for skin care.

Our skin is the first thing people see and keeping it healthy is important because if you care for your skin in turn you're caring for your body and that could promote a longer healthier life. Those wrinkle cream reviews were right about finding the right one for your skin. I wish I had taken the time to do so when I was younger so that my skin was in better shape but it's still not too late.

Geoff Hopkins has worked in the anti aging cream industry for years. He maintains websites about anti aging cream and wrinkle remover creams If you want to contact him, you can use the contact for at one of his sites.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Slow Down Aging Of The Skin

It is never too early or too late to slow down the aging process. Whether you have taken care of yourself up to this point or not, you can amend that situation by learning how to slow down aging.

Your lifestyle will dictate the status of your health and your looks. You can incorporate the principles of good health into your life and it can include little things like having good posture to bigger things such as making sure that you have enough good nutrients in your diet to maintain strong and healthy bones. You must exercise especially to maintain spinal and bone health. If your bones are not strong enough to last, you will find it difficult to slow down the aging process.

Five topics deal with issues on how to slow down the aging process. These five topics are skin, hands, eyes, smoking and teeth. If you pay attention to these five topics and follow the tips in each topic, you can go a long way to slowing down the aging process.

Your Skin

Aging shows up on your skin first. You can tell when your skin starts to wrinkle and sag on your face and your body. You can give your skin a regular work out with exercise. Regular exercise will give you a bloom in your cheeks.

When your body is thirsty, it gives you the feeling of thirst. This means that your body has reached the point where it really needs water. If you are chronically thirsty, your skin will look dry and will become easily wrinkled. You can prevent this by drinking enough water and liquids so that you do not become thirsty and are well hydrated instead. Water is the best liquid to drink, followed by fruit juice and teas.

You must also keep your skin clean and moisturized. As we age, our skin thins and dries out. In this way, it becomes susceptible to damage. You can help your skin by protecting it with moisturizers. A good moisturizer will keep your skin smooth and supple so that it will not wrinkle or sag as easily.

Young Hands

Your hands can give your age away as much as the wrinkles on your face. You will need to care for your hands regularly in order to keep your hands smooth and wrinkle free. Some general tips for keeping your hands fresh looking include wearing rubber gloves when you do household chores to avoid contact with harsh chemicals and cleaners.

You will go far by regularly applying a moisturizer to your hands. Do not allow your hands to be exposed to harsh weather conditions so that you can avoid chapping and burning the skin of your hands. Both of these conditions will age your hands. Wear gloves and a sunscreen to protect your skin. Take care of your nails so that they will enhance the look of your hands.

Youthful Eyes

You can easily use natural treatments to soothe your eyes and prevent bags from appearing under your eyes. Place two thick slices of a chilled cucumber on your eyes while you lay down in a calm room. Keep the cucumbers on your eyes for about ten minutes for a refreshed look.

You can do this once a week for a relaxed look around your refreshed eyes. Your eyes will be bright and will not look stressed out. If you do not have cucumbers, use cooled, used teabags from your black or green tea or an eye mask. Regular application of an eye cream in the morning and at night will prevent wrinkling around the skin.

Smoking Will Age You

If there is one thing that will improve your appearance, it is giving up cigarettes. Smoking cigarettes may not only make you seriously sick, it can accelerate the aging process.

Smoking causes wrinkling around the mouth and it will eventually give you a smoker's cough, which is certainly an aging characteristic. You must be determined to stop smoking if you want to stop the aging process that smoking seems to accelerate.

Your Teeth

A beautiful smile can make you look younger. You will need to look after your teeth well throughout your life especially as you age because if you have to wear dentures, this can be aging. Whiten your teeth and get your teeth repaired to make the best of your smile.

You can slow down the aging process through regular exercise, a healthy diet and avoiding the damaging rays of the sun. When you are out in the sunshine, wear a brimmed hat and sleeves. When you get out of a bath, moisturize your skin while still moist. Exfoliate skin to remove dead skin. Follow these tips to slow down the aging process and keep up a youthful appearance.

Many anti aging skin care brands are available from shops, along with skin anti-aging care articles for advice.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Anti-Aging Black Clay Opens the Heart and Nourishes the Soul!

Nestled deep within the pristine mountains of the Cascades in Southern Oregon, a region long believed to hold secrets to health and rejuvenation, an unusual deposit of black clay was recently discovered. It is as if it wanted to be found at the right time, and in a way that would insure that its true purpose would be understood and made available to the world.

Were it not for the long-term scientific bent of my good friend Ted, and his patient persistence (for 6 months) in suggesting I look into some of his special waters, I would not have understood the true significance of the experience I was having with this clay. Exploring Ted's impressive array of waters and traps and charging devices gave me an orientation to a field of science that I was unfamiliar with, yet which spoke to a deep place within my soul - the science of alchemy and the making of "manna". I felt its significance more than understood it.

What is Manna?

The "manna" of the Old Testament, white powder of gold, the shewbread of the Ark of the Covenant, the alchemical laboratory of Moses, the chalice of the Last Supper, the small cones served on a plate inscribed on the walls of the Egyptian pyramids -- these are all references to this science. References to manna-like creations span all the major religions, and can even be traced back to the earliest times of recorded history.

The recent discovery of Black Clay stood out as a symbol to me of what the science of alchemy strove to create -- "manna" -- "bread from heaven", or more accurately, "bread that brings us closer to the experience of heaven". (Subsequently, the trade name "Black Manna" is now the water extract derivative of the Black Clay. It was discovered early on that the Black Clay was so concentrated with active ingredients, it had to be diluted carefully in water in order to gauge more accurately a standard dose).

What experience is it that takes us closest to the experience of heaven? Is it not simply an open heart? How do you feel when you are in love? Is this not a piece of "heaven"? I have found Black Manna to open the heart in a gentle, yet profound way. It enhances my meditations immensely. It nourishes my soul. When the heart and soul are at peace, will this not have a beneficial effect on the health of the body? When stress is reduced, will the face not shine with a more youthful appearance?

I have personally experienced, and observed in others taking Black Manna, a remarkable slowing of the aging process, an enhanced vitality building with time, and a stronger, more balanced approach naturally taken toward life goals. Greater success seems to follow inevitably.

Only with the Black Clay, no special processes or chemical alterations need to be made as in times past; no deep alchemical metaphors need to be deciphered; no heat or concentrations need to be applied -- this is just clay right from the ground, unaltered.

What Is It Made Of?

Black Clay possesses qualities and effects on the human psyche that indicate it is naturally abundant in monatomic elements. "Monatomic" refers to certain elements of the periodic chart existing in a single or double atom combination. They are referred to as monatomic or diatomic in nature as opposed to large clusters of molecules of the same element. Some of the more commonly known elements found in monatomic form are gold, silver, platinum, rhodium, iridium, indium, iron, and copper. Another common term for this seemingly rare form of the original mineral state is "M-state elements" or ORMES (Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements).

M-state elements, in my opinion, can best be described as the first physical manifestation of light. All matter is merely light condensed into compact form. The first condensation of the light spectrum into matter is likely to have been the full range of the physical periodic chart of elements, only as single atoms of each element. The properties of an element in its single atom form can be quite different from an element in its clustered, more densely compacted form. Monatomic gold and solid gold are two good examples. Solid gold is an excellent conductor of electricity. Monatomic gold possesses even more enhanced properties and serves as food for the brain, the nervous system, endocrine (hormonal) system, and improved functioning of the cells of the body. Brain matter is made, in part, of monatomic elements, particularly rhodium and iridium, and evidently requires these elements to function optimally.

Monatomics are believed to assist in the repair of damaged DNA. Therefore, subsequent replication of cells of the body would be constructed according to an improved blueprint. In the plant kingdom, dynamically improved foliage development is readily seen from applications of monatomic soil amendments. Leaves are larger, greener, visibly healthier. Fruits and produce are larger, healthier, more nutritious, and endure stresses such as heat, cold and drought much better. To check out a few examples of such remarkable rejuvenations of plant foliage go to If it can do this for plants, what can it do for humans?

Effects on the Body and Opening the Heart

Several highly intuitive individuals have commented about their findings with respect to the Black Manna. It appears to open all of the energy centers at one time. Hormonal balance seems to be enhanced. Pineal function seems to be noticeably improved (a common observation resulting from the consumption of monatomics in general.) The pineal gland is known to produce its own natural forms of melatonin and human growth hormone (HGH). (Could this explain why there are references to the patriarchs of old living 8-900 years?) This may also explain the near vivid dreams, deep restful sleep, and a more rapid turn-around in chronic health conditions. The left and right brain seem to communicate better under its influence, creativity increases, problems are less stressful, low energy is picked up, hyperactive energy is calmed down -- it appears as though the energetic systems of the body naturally move toward optimal, balanced functioning. The net result is that the energy of the heart opens up, stress lessens, both repetitive and complex tasks are handled with ease, challenges are handled more smoothly. Life simply gets a little easier.

Similar kinds of experiences have been reported by many since Black Manna has been offered to the public. Some health improvements reported are surprisingly dramatic, while the majority commonly report an increased sense of well being, a more balanced energy and better sleep. Some have reported a surprising amount of energy and sense of well being with only a few drops, while others have not felt any effect with 8 ounces at once (these are usually those that also need four times as much pain killer for dental work.) Most however, find a comfortable daily dose at around a teaspoon once or twice per day. Others, after several months on the product, find 4-8 ounces a day a comfortable and enjoyable dose. The larger amounts, taken too soon, bring such an expansion, that lightheadedness may result along with the desire to just kick back, meditate, or take frequent walks in the garden -- OK at times, but this may not be the most efficient way to take care of regular business. Smiles, on the other hand, are pretty much a universal experience at any dose.

Those with more experience with M-state products (ormus) may find a larger dose more comfortable. So, a new approach was developed to accommodate this possibility and still be reasonable. By adding additional Black Clay Granules to Black Manna Original it is now possible to make your own "manna" and grow naturally into increased dosages or stronger concentrations at will.

After hearing almost daily now, since the products have been made available to the public, about the personal experiences of people whose health and energy levels have improved, it is clear that the Black Manna is a resource from Mother Nature that deserves to be made available to all. It is one of those "right place, right time" resources that are here to help us move forward into the upcoming Golden Age of peace, cooperation and commitment to the common good. How does Black Manna accomplish this? Well, isn't a Golden Age mentality the natural inclination of those whose hearts are open?

Life on the planet is changing fast. The old is passing away and the new is quickly emerging. Black Manna is one of the great gifts from Nature that is able to support the kind of conscious expansion that is necessary to stay in sync with global changes as they are happening.

Enjoy the simple blessings of life!

G. Michael King is a Life Enrichment Counselor and the author of The Gentle Art of Self-Healing Seminars and DVD's. Michael is also the originator of the Heart Balance Herbal Rejuvenation line of 40+ herbal formulas, and is the international source for Sacred Clay, Black Manna, Solutions for Environmental Cleanup & Increased Global Food Production, and the truly exceptional Mineral Manna -- a Revitalizer for People, Pets, Plants & Soil.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Wrinkle Cream Reviews - An In-Depth Study

Reviews on anti aging creams are great source of information for men and women who need to know more about wrinkle creams. Choosing the correct wrinkle cream can sometimes be a difficult task. Reviews on wrinkle creams provide valuable information about wrinkle creams.

You should weigh all the pros and cons before you zero in on a particular anti aging product. No company would come to you and tell you that its products are not good for your skin. One should not blindly follow what a review on a wrinkle cream says.

Trust only those wrinkle cream reviews which come from the desk of well known and knowledgeable research scientists and dermatologists. Randomly surveying a few hundred women about the effects of a particular wrinkle cream cannot give you proper information about that cream.

You should consider those wrinkle cream reviews which have been written by popular beauty salons and beauty experts. Moreover, a review coming from a beauty-parlor which is quite popular among hundreds of women does not produce any doubts about its authenticity.

There are innumerable beauty and fitness magazines which carry wrinkle cream reviews by certified skin care experts and dermatologists too. Such reviews are not printed for making money. Hence, you can definitely trust such reviews. Online reviews on wrinkle products are also helpful at times.

There would be millions of women who would have used the same product which you are using. Look for the comments of those women for better insights into the nature and effectiveness of the product you are using. You can also talk to people in your neighborhood about a particular anti-aging skin care product for getting sound advice.

You can find many web sites which specifically target wrinkles and wrinkle creams. Such web sites carry hundreds of articles on wrinkle creams. Reading a few articles will also help you increase your knowledge about wrinkle-treatment. You can answer the question best wrinkle cream only when you have thorough knowledge of wrinkle creams.

The best anti aging wrinkle cream cannot be found in a day or two. You need to cultivate patience in order to choose the best product. Thousands of skin care products arrive in the shops every day. Isn't it a little complicated task to choose the best out of those thousands?

Geoff Hopkins has worked in the anti wrinkle eye cream industry for years. He maintains websites about LifeCell and new wrinkle creams. If you want to contact him, you can use the contact for at one of his sites.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

What Stimulates You in Managing Weight Loss, Beauty and Aging?

Oh, our obsessive quest for youth and beauty. It drives our behavior and beliefs of what is good, right and possible. Sometimes the obsession can drive us over the edge to "try anything" to get and maintain the result we think we need and want.

It seems in the past few years the consumer public was awakened to the health risks of stimulants, prescription drugs and other psychotherapeutics; e.g., amphetamines, Ephedra, Oxycontin, etc. The quest for immediate management and control over our lives, bodies and emotional states motivates us to make short-term decisions that oftentimes lead to long-term, dire consequences.

I can't tell you how many times I have coached female clients away from the desire and thought of liposuction to "suck out the fat" and smooth the lines of their legs and abdomen. I've done it by actually "scaring them straight" first through the risks and potential loss of life as a result of the procedure, and lastly by outlining the costs and short-term results it will bring about.

The unfortunate stimulant and steroid drug use of athletes and celebrities in track and field, baseball, football and now the entertainment industry, will likely be an ongoing debate for many years to come. Each person involved in the current inquiries clearly made a consistent personal decision - daily, weekly or monthly - to use a stimulant or drug in the pursuit of enhanced performance, looks, beauty or attractiveness. Their decisions were supported by the equally responsible medical, sports and fitness industry consultants, trainers and professionals that fed, procured or produced the pill or injection used.

Brendan J. Lyons, Albany Times Union senior writer, states in a recent article, entitled, Steroids Beyond Sports, "Entertainers using steroids is not new. Last year, Hollywood action-film stalwart Sylvester Stallone paid a $2,975 fine in Australia to settle criminal charges he illegally possessed vials of steroids and human growth hormone discovered during a customs inspection of his luggage." While Stallone reportedly used the drugs, "to treat his body for a slowdown of his pituitary gland production of growth hormone and for the grueling training he's done over the years making films," according to the Australian Associated Press, Lyons states, "taking the substances in an effort to slow aging or promote healing, which is an unproven claim, is not an allowable reason for a physician to prescribe steroids or growth hormone."

It is clear that there are several doctors, pharmacies, clinics, and many personal trainers doing their "best" to support, feed and profit from the obsessive behavior of several in the general public who quest for youth, beauty and attractiveness.

There are "prescription only" stimulants like Dexedrine, Desoxyn, that are used and prescribed for weight loss and nutritional deficiencies as well as anabolic steroids, like Anadrol, Equipoise and others, that have been prescribed for treatment of anemia, growth stimulation, gonad and/or gynecological dysfunction and disorders. Whether prescription or not, all stimulants are psychologically addictive. Users of stimulants become dependent on the drug to avoid the "down" feeling often experienced when the drug's effect wears off. Users of the performance enhancing steroids become addicted as well and their financial empires destroyed as result when the usage has been revealed.

That boost we get from that morning cup of coffee is the result of the caffeine that naturally occurs in coffee. Caffeine, a common herbal stimulant is found in tea as well, but also in soft drinks and other foods and dietary supplements, can be bought over-the-counter or over the internet, in tablet form. Too much of it can obviously cause anxiousness, headaches, and the "jitters." Caffeine is also addictive and a person who abruptly stops drinking it may experience withdrawal symptoms.

Herbal stimulants and extracts, such as Ma-Huang and ginseng cannot be left out of the equation. Ma-Huang contains ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, which are used in over the counter medications for asthma (ephedrine) and as a nasal decongestant (pseudoephedrine). Sold as a stimulant and weight loss product, the and like caffeinated beverages, ephedrine-containing products apparently can be consumed safely in moderate amounts by healthy people, no more than 8mg of ephedrine be consumed every six hours with a maximum intake of 24mg per day. However, because of the serious side effects and deaths associated with miss-use of the herbal stimulant, the FDA has recommended consumers not use the supplement if they suffer with:

  • heart disease; angina (chest pain); irregular heartbeats; high blood pressure; or blood vessel disease;
  • asthma or other lung disease;
  • diabetes;
  • insomnia;
  • eating disorders (such as anorexia or bulimia);
  • glaucoma;
  • kidney disease;
  • liver disease or hepatitis;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, mania, bipolar disorder or psychosis;
  • prostate problems;
  • urinary retention; or seizures.

So with all that said, what stimulants are you using or willing to use in your quest for health, beauty and weight loss? Personally, I like a good run in the gym or park followed by an hour or two with my favorite teacher or trainer to keep me motivated, working at my highest possible level to keep my butt, legs and heart strong. But that is, of course, after starting the day with a large 12-ounce cup of black coffee!

Managing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle requires long-term actions that are consistent and thoughtful. It's a process that takes work and focus - everyday - to manage dietary habits, cardiovascular conditioning and strength and muscle development. Aging is the course of natural life. There is no pill, drug or elixir to "cure" it. The fix is to live life, love the life and learn to enjoy the process of managing the lifestyle.

Gina Jackson, MBA, CPT, holds Advanced PFT recognition as a member of the International Association of Fitness Professionals (IDEA); maintains affiliate membership in the National Federation of Professional Trainers (NFPT) and is certified as a Power Pilates Teacher and a proud Business Member of the Pilates Method Alliance.

Gina made a conscious career and lifestyle change to fitness in 2000 and assists clients in lifestyle fitness training programs; she is the Fitness Consultant, creator and energy behind the and its sister sites: http://www.TheStrengthClub.Net and http://www.ThePilatesClub.Net, all of which provide fitness resources, tips, articles and MP3 downloads designed to assist all realizing their fitness goals.

Please Note: You are granted permission to republish this article on your site only with maintenance of the credits, links and author's bio intact.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Knowledge to Help Women Age Gracefully

As modern women, we have much more knowledge than our mothers did regarding the process of aging. Because of their lack of knowledge, our mothers aged much earlier than women in the 21st century do. Most women in years past had gained an extra ten pounds around age 30. Wrinkles were more noticeable by age 35 and they had dry skin at age 40. Stiff joints ached by age 45 and high cholesterol made its appearance about age 50. Heart disease showed up at 55, memory loss at 57, and osteoporosis at age 60.

We are much wiser today about healthy habits and activities that can slow the aging process. For instance we know that a low-fat diet can prevent weight gain and high cholesterol. If we limit our time in the sun and use sunscreens with uv/av protection, we can prevent seeing wrinkles as early as our mothers did. The alpha-hydroxy acids that fruit and milk contain fight dry, itchy, saggy skin and age spots.

Water aerobics and swimming exercises can delay the early stages of arthritis. If we add calcium supplements and do weight-bearing exercises, we have stronger bones and lessen our chances of experiencing osteoporosis.

Heart disease in women can become a thing of the past with aerobic exercise, a low-fat diet, baby aspirin and relaxation techniques such as meditation. It is a well known fact that stress is a leading cause of heart disease in women. Taking a nice warm bubble bath surrounded by candles and soft music does wonders to alleviate everyday stress.

Sudoku and crossword puzzles are great activities for keeping a sharp memory. Simply reading the letters to the editor in the newspaper will do the same thing. Our brains need exercise just as our bodies do.

Now that we are more knowledgeable than our mothers were about what makes us age, we can have a different mind-set about it. It is not only the physical choices we make that decide how rapidly we age. It is more what we do to our minds and bodies - our choice of lifestyles.

If we decide to be a couch potato and veg out in front of the television set for hours on end, eat high-fat foods, smoke cigarettes, include little or no fresh fruit and vegetables in our diets, and scorch our skin in the hot sun, we make the choice to age our bodies and minds more rapidly than nature intended.

People are living longer than they did in the last century. If we opt to make healthy living habits in our 20s and 30s, we can feel good about aging gracefully. Then, we can enjoy our 60s and 70s and not look back and say "shoulda, coulda, woulda".

Anna Hodges has combined health tips, news and resources with her work-at-home resources and tools. After all, if we live a healthy life, we are more successful with our business. Check it out at Anna also has a writing site on Faith and Inspiration at

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Anti Aging and Beauty Tips

An overload of goods anti-aging is accessible at the market wherever all the manufacturers and salespersons confirm that his product offer what be present of superior. Well-known people resembling own Main Victoria hold there own line of goods anti-aging.

Evidently the items for consumption construct powerful actions, for the reason that it constructs young skin in roughly one month. They stress a lot that the item for consumption reduces wrinkles as it moisturizes the membrane in minutes and gradually brings your beauty back. As well the item for consumption retexturizes the membrane sinking the moisture failure due to the age along with to the environment.

Tough points of this merchandise are his value smaller than further competitive. Their salesman reinvidicam to facilitate as talented studies, concerning eighty-for-hundred of the users up to date that the utilization of the product compacts the outline and wrinkles.

The method requests in initial place that you dirt free the face and wall light the mixture. In union with the directions, some spots of the recipe deep-cleaner will abolish the dirt and dirtiness melting and reducing the maguiagem. This means the system go with the surface of the part of the face at the same time as he/she set up the skin for the after that steps. The skin is supposed to be rubbing down with the mixture. The perfume is of melon. After having sponge down the skin you settle her totally renewed and evidently soft. This technique, in accord with the notice ARGIRELINE incorporated with the Molecular Complex in the recipe does the aging symbols vanish.

Additional ingredients as ALLANTON can not be dangerous since used to care for wounds and contagion and they can be helpful in the acne dealing and blots. Then mull over the survival of destructive chemical materials a lot before expenditure his/her money in goods anti-aging. A known hormone like DHAE is an ancestor of the hormonal steroids, in addition estr?o and testosterona.

After that if DHEA begins to reject the body the skin it is likely to become old. Like this goods with this constituent som?e and devoid of any other element substance it can be of helpful use. One more natural hormone of the necessary body to diminish the speed of the becoming old is Melatonin. His making is prepared by the gland pineal, positioned under the brain. Goods anti-aging with this constituent can be of a great value.

Read more on Lipsense and Senegence lipsense.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

4 Tips on How to Live Longer

Human nature, combined with our survival instinct, drives us to seek out tips and information on how to live longer. Until someone locates the proverbial fountain of youth, there are four easy things you can do, starting today, to make sure you meet your grandkids' kids.

Though these may seem like run-of-the-mill, "straight from Momma's mouth" tips, they are backed up by 20,000 participants and a 14-year-long study.

Cut to the Chase - Just Give Me the 4 Tips!

Ok, ok, no need to yell. If you prefer to blindly follow great advice, here they are (if you rather see more about the study, see below):

  1. Exercise - About 30 minutes per day of any activity that gets you off your cozy couch, including walking, running, lifting weights, etc.
  2. 5 Servings of Fruits and Vegetables - This one is two-fold: Not only will the addition of more fruits and vegetables provide you with several important vitamins and minerals, it should also keep you fuller between meals, thus reducing your Dorito habit.
  3. Toast to Alcohol - Careful, this isn't an excuse for you to feel good about the entire 40 oz. you just downed. Moderate drinking in this case was considered to be 1-14 glasses of wine or beers per week.
  4. Quit Smoking - This one is pretty self-explanatory, and if it applies to you, you clearly aren't concerned with living a long, healthy life anyway.

From 1993 to 1997, British researchers gathered information and blood samples from 20,000 healthy men and women, giving them a score of between 0 and 4, based on how many of the above tips they followed.

After tracking the participants for over a decade, while accounting for age and other factors, the team found that the "0" people were four times as likely to have died during the course of the study.

Also, people with a perfect score of 4 were shown to have a shelf life of 14 years longer than their lowly "0" counterparts.

The number one lifestyle change for how to live longer was to quit smoking (big surprise!).

If only 4 tips on how to live longer aren't enough, then you need to check out to find out how to meet your grandkids' grandkids!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Everlasting Youth - Everlasting Happiness

All of us wish to hold on to youth and the energy and zing associated with it. We all crave for it. But are we doing enough except applying a brighter make-up and dyeing grey hair? Maybe not. Don't you think you should get moving?

Here are a few ways with the help of which we can stay young for a long, long time to come!

Know Your Body

Before we start exercising to shed flab, we should find out the root cause of the problem so that we can win the battle of the bulge. The excess flab may be due to poor metabolism. Our appetite is controlled by hormones produced by our body and certain chemicals produced by our brains. We should strive to balance our hormones and consume omegas, pumpkin oil, hemp oil, flaxseed oil as they help reduce fat.

Check Inflammation

Inflammation is our body's natural reaction to injury or infection. Inflammation may sometimes lead to weight gain, which gives rise to lethargy, high blood sugar levels and hormonal imbalances. This can be checked by consuming naturally processed grape seed extract (an excellent antioxidant), green tea extract and mineral extracts.

Combat Oxidative Stress

Oxidative stress can occur either due to a decrease in antioxidant level or due to an excess of free radicals or both. If the living condition surrounding us is polluted or unhygienic, we are working in stressful conditions and not drinking enough water, we might be victims of oxidative stress. It can cause cellular damage, thus accelerating wrinkling and hair loss and might also result in diabetes and weight gain. To combat this, we should increase intake of colorful plant food, green tea and herbal tea to fight it.

Watch your Thyroid

Thyroid is the master metabolic regulator. Its malfunctioning leads to a gamut of problems like depression, anxiety, infertility, pregnancy complications, dry skin and hair, high cholesterol, heart trouble, joint pain and menstrual irregularities. Consume cabbage, sweet potato, corn and pearl millet to boost thyroid functioning.

Liver and Blood

To detoxify our liver, we should consume soy protein, whey water, broccoli, pomegranate, phytonutrients and grape seed extract.

Watch What You Eat

Keeping a watch on what exactly we are eating is extremely important to our overall well being. We should ban processed food from our diet and go for natural foods. Organic extracts should be consumed on a regular basis. Consume all plant food colors possible in a balanced manner.

No Ill Feelings

Hatred or ill feelings towards others reflects on our face. If we delete the bad memories, we would regain a childlike state of happiness.

Keep the Child in You Alive

Never get into the comfort zone. Never think that there is nothing else to do. We should keep the child in us alive by constantly indulging in meaningful activities that makes us happy. Keep on developing new hobbies.

Focus on De-Stressing

Stress can arise from three factors.

Genetic Disposition: We may be prone to certain genetic disorders like diabetes and hypertension. We should be very cautious about such problems and be aware of every minute change that our body displays. If our family history confirms such genetic tendencies, we should be very regular with our check-ups.

Lifestyle: Lifestyle disorders arise from negative habits like smoking, consumption of alcohol, watching too much TV and not eating on time. These result in stress. We should abhor these habits and focus on being physically active which would help in burning calories and staying fit.

Environment: Our offices, our homes, the pollution, our relationships etc. creates our environment. We should try to find out what exactly is pulling us down and then try to find a solution by talking to our peers and well wishers. Always try to look at the brighter side of things.

When under stress, the adrenal gland in our body produces cortisol, a hormone that increases our blood sugar and insulin levels and slows down the burning of fat. Stress increases inflammation which causes weight gain around the waist. We should fight stress by trying to keep our mind free from negatives.


Friends, who really care, are life long assets of an individual. They have the ability to make things better for you just by their physical presence beside you. Just by taking a look at their smiling faces, you would have a feeling that your worries are fading away.

Chuck the Routine

Life is not just about getting up in the morning, doing the same old stuff all day and then going off to sleep. Instead, listen to some heart warming music, watch a dance performance or go for a drive. Set aside time for daily exercise and relaxation. Do some stretching initially followed by deep breathing for five minutes and then meditation. This goes a long way in relieving mental stress.

Sleep Tight

Lack of sleep reflects on our face. It makes us age faster. We should try to sleep for at least six hours every night. And don't forget to dream big!

All the Best !!!

Vaishali Parekh - I am a nutritionist and a foodie. The focus of my website is to globalize Indian recipes. Not only that, I also want my viewers to lead a healthy and meaningful life. So, my article would focus on not only recipes but also on good and healthy lifestyle.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Magic Of Aging

"We don't stop living because we grow old; we grow old because we stop living Do you wake up feeling like a truck hit you every morning? Be open with others, set youself free by sharing a few of your life experiences, dreams, frustrations, fears, triumphs, goals, and resource.

Before you attempt any task, try to figure out how to finish your tasks to plan is to succeed

Able-bodied or disabled, performing daily tasks generally help people with functional disabilities leading more independent lives. Take a moment to think how you're blessed, fortunate, and lucky that we yet lived to see another day.

Having a disability doesn't mean health and fitness isn't important to you; on the contrary, a focus on these two key factors will help you ensure the greatest level of independence and quality of life. So you're in a disability mobility chair? NO EXCUSE

The sit down relaxing exercises below help with back movements and firming your spine

1. Come halfway forward on your chair Shoulders back chin slightly parallel to the floor, and lift the head up Inhale, roll the shoulders forward, up, back, and down Align the knees directly above the ankles, place the palms of the hands on the knees Hold your breath for a little while exhale and relax

2. The Twist: inhale, then while exhaling place the left hand on the right knee, twist around to the right and place your right hand on the chair close to your buttock. Inhale and exhale 3times Repeat to the other side.

3. Meditate: Sit with an upright spine for two minutes, focusing the mind's attention on breathing as it flows in and out.


Count me among those with arthritis; it affects the musculoskeletal system and the joints specifically. Older people most often have osteoarthritis, or rheumatoid arthritis,

"You can't choose whether you'll get arthritis, but you can take steps to minimize its impact on your life. Causes of pain include physical problems weakness or tense muscles, stress, depression and fatigue, and exercise is one effective way to break this cycle.

Arthritis can affect the whole body and damage virtually any organ or system: heart, lungs, kidneys, blood vessels, and skin. It cost millions of people their health, physical abilities and, in many cases, independence.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an immune system disease; the immune system keeps out or destroys bacteria or viruses. The object of the attack is the lining of the joints. This continues to damage joints more over time. The damage done can become very severe.

Smokers with knee arthritis suffer quicker joint loss than non-smokers with the condition. smokers had more pain and were more than twice as likely to show significant cartilage loss in the joint. Identify the warning signs: swelling in one or more joints; early morning stiffness; recurring pain and/or tenderness in one or more joints; inability to move a joint normally; redness, warmth in a joint; unexplained weight loss, fever, weakness, combined with joint pain, and symptoms that last more than two weeks."

"You should inform your doctor of all medications and dosage and determine the need for each one, using each as prescribed and reporting the effects." Also, go to bed at the same time every night and get up at the same time every day, even on weekends. "Avoid caffeine, including chocolate, for four hours before bedtime and avoid alcohol near bed time.

Most of all, if you have a sleep disorder, like sleep apnea, treatment can make a real impact on your pain."

As for any difficult emotion such as depression," Understanding the tie between pain and mood will help with difficult emotions," Keep active when you have pain; tell friends and family you're in pain. A request for help isn't being dependent; it's a direct, and honest. Remember, pain is related closely to stress and depression. Reducing them will ease pain."

McCartney has created a Top 10 List to "stay rejuvenated from arthritis pain.

1. Learn how fluids are absorbed.
2. Eat healthy foods and follow a balanced diet plan.
3. Exercise environmental control; make your home user-friendly.
4. Exercise to improve flexibility and strength.
5. Rest and sleep well.
6. Form a support team.
7. Communicate any changes.
8. Don't ignore pain; listen to your body.
9. Be patient.
10. Make an action plan and problem-solving techniques.

How Stroke Affects Us

Women are uniquely impacted by stroke in several ways. Twice as many women die from strokes than from breast cancer every year, In fact, women represent more than half of all stroke survivors,

We need to better understand stroke risks, prevention and treatment.

"It's important to recognize that 80 percent of strokes are preventable.

Women tend to have strokes later in life than men, and for this reason, their strokes often are more devastating. Women are more likely to die from a stroke. They're more likely to become disabled and they're more likely to have trouble thinking

Since women typically are older when they have their first stroke, they are more likely to have other health problems Lacking the proper support at home, female stroke survivors are more often transferred from the hospital to a nursing home.

Hormone replacement therapy also increases a woman's stroke risk Even younger women need to pay attention to their risks for stroke. Know your risk factors for stroke and be able to recognized stroke symptoms in yourself.

Toning and stretching muscles, works to balance every system of the body and reduces stress All you need is the willingness to learn.

Yoga is a great stress reliever, and activates the nervous system the gentle flow of breath and movement calms the mind, increases blood circulation, improves strength, reduces muscle tension, and enhances respiration.

Deep breathing reminds our bodies of what it feels like to deeply relax." And once we relax, we become more clear-headed and productive.

For people with disabilities, yoga offers additional benefits, such as developing self-esteem; improving communication, listening, and relationship skills; and helping people discover their unique qualities in a non-competitive atmosphere.

Almost any yoga pose can be modified to be practiced in a chair, Any style of chair can be used for yoga, though a sturdy armless chair works best. Some wheelchair, has arm and leg rests that may be removed.

How we use words determines the effectiveness of our teaching and the messages we give to ourselves." Focusing on abilities and avoiding attention on problems and limitations yields the best results from yoga, or any practice.

Stress Busters and relaxation

In our modern world of relationships, responsibilities, and commitments, we are inevitably caught up in psychological stress. Unrelenting stress can become a threat to both our physical and emotional well-being..

But in today's busy world, we often need a little help reminding our bodies what it's like to feel relaxed and calm. You might prefer to try something active like going for a walk or a run, or lying down and deeply relaxing the body to let go of tension.

Walking, running, rowing, or biking, preferably outdoors, puts physical and mental distance between you and the stress-causing environment. Massage relaxes your muscles as well as your mind. While it's nice to treat yourself to a massage session, you don't have to visit a spa to enjoy massage Ease away stress by gently massaging your scalp with circular motions of your fingertips for 15 to 20 seconds; make circular motions with the pads of your first two fingers and gently squeeze and release the muscles between your neck and shoulders they are common areas for holding tension.

Music can be used throughout your day to reduce stress and increase enjoyment from any activity. Pick background music for the morning to set the tone of your day; play energizing music when cleaning or cooking, and listen to soothing music to relax yourself before bed. As the body relaxes, so does the mind.

Thoughts create our reality, while some thoughts escalate stress levels, others can lower them. Whenever you find yourself thinking stress-provoking thoughts, try countering them with feel-good thoughts.

Aromatherapy oils are compounds extracted from seeds and flowers, roots and barks, and fruits and resins of plants. Chamomile, lavender, orange and sandalwood oil are especially good for combating tension and stress. Try adding a few drops of essential oil to bath water or massage oil, using a diffuser to disperse the scent into the air, or simply put a drop of essential oil on a tissue and keeping it with you to sniff whenever you need to relax.

Laughter! the best medicine of all.

Learning to smile and laugh again reduces stress by releasing pain killing, It also helps keep things in perspective. Laughter is also thought to stimulate the nervous system and strengthen the heart and immune system. Watch a laughter-inducing movie, get together with humorous friends,. Even fake laughter causes the body to respond as if the laughter is real, so practice laughing for five minutes every day and fake it 'til you make it.

Aquatic therapy is a relatively new phenomenon. It increases circulation, improves heart rate, increases range of motion, decreases blood pressure, and increases digestive movement. The properties of the water, such as its buoyancy, allow dynamic exercises in a safe environment.

The Magic of Ageing Changing

Ageing is one of the most significant changes facing World wide At age 60 years, most people have retired from paid work yet women can expect another 25 years of life and men another 20 years the older population over coming decades. Ageing experiences vary considerably between social groups and individuals and it is essential that every country embraces the opportunities as well as meets the challenges of ageing. There is great scope to reduce the negative effects of biological decline through individual action supported by economic, social and physical environments. Confrontation of negative attitudes towards ageing is fundamental to positive, informed actions by Australian society and individuals.

It will generate the innovative, multidisciplinary approaches necessary to understand ageing people, relations between age groups, and the economic, social, and policy contexts that shape ageing experiences.

A survey was held for both the attitudes towards the aged in the community generally, and the specific opinions and response of the aged population themselves towards their lifestyle and problems. There are three data sets for this survey: an attitudinal survey of a sample of the general population; a survey of people aged 55 years and over in private dwellings; and a smaller survey of older people living in nursing homes and hostels for the aged.

The impetus for this study came from questions about the ways in which drug-related problems among elderly patients were identified and treated. An investigation of patterns of use of alcohol, tobacco and psychotropic medication by hospital patients aged over 65, problems related to their substance use and the patterns of recognition and referral for these problems

. The research has a number of specific objectives. These include:

1. Determination of levels of health and functional status of an older population and to track the changes in these characteristics over time.
2. Identification of factors which promote and maintain health and wellbeing in an ageing population.
3. Identification of risk factors for major morbid conditions and social, behavioural and other problems among an ageing population.
4. Analysis of the effects on transitions in health and functional status of age, gender, different patterns of comorbidity, availability and nature of informal and formal support arrangements, social and economic circumstances, health care provision and utilisation and other variables of interest.
5. Assessment of the effects of disease processes on functional status and the demand for health care services and both informal and formal long-term care.
6. Examination of the patterns of the need for and the utilisation of informal and formal sources of long-term care as they relate to social support networks, economic and housing conditions, care-giving arrangements and the availability of appropriate services.
7. Examination of mortality outcomes in the light of changes in health and functional status, medical interventions, self-assessed health, social networks and individual characteristics.

The inclusion of both survey and clinical components makes it possible to link objective clinical measures with details of the lifestyle, attitudes and personal histories of respondents.

This survey focused on people's patterns and places of drinking, and their knowledge and attitudes towards strategies aimed at minimising harm within the licensed drinking environment. The study had four main aims: first, to examine how types of drinking setting are related to different patterns of alcohol use and alcohol related problems; second, to discover the level of knowledge of laws relating to the sale and consumption of alcohol; third, to determine people's attitudes to the concept of server responsibility and server liability; and, fourth, to establish the level of community support for prevention initiatives targetted toward licensed drinking settings.

'Serious fall injuries from slipping, tripping or stumbling made up 34% of fall injury incidents, and serious falls frequently involved a fracture' Ms Bradley said.

Overall, females had higher life and health expectancies than males, in both the years with disability and the years free from disability, although these gaps were much smaller at older ages. Disability and ageing seem to go together-and both are set to climb significantly in the next six years and beyond, according to a report released today by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.

Ageing is one of the most significant changes facing Australia. It is essential that Australia embraces the opportunities as well as meets the challenges of ageing. The ARC/NHMRC Research Network in Ageing Well sits squarely in the National Research Priority area 'Ageing Well, Ageing Productively'.

It will generate innovative, multidisciplinary approaches necessary to understand ageing people, relations between age groups, and the economic, social, and policy contexts that shape ageing experiences. It will bring together established and early career researchers and end-point users, forming a unique network that generates and implements research agendas and translate and apply findings to national goals

Reverential Fear

Fear has it's own physiology
Primor responses to threaten us
The Quicken Heart beats. The sweaty palms

The panic that chokes in the throat
Making time seem to stand still
To flee danger To Survive

The only thing we have to fear
Is fear itself
It is the ultimate evil or a gateway of life to share

The violent flashbacks
The over whelming pain and trauma
The related symptoms we felt at the time of threat

Don't let fear consume you
Control it until you are safe

Fear by memory Fear takes form
Becoming a thing that lives
Long after death

Fear is so powerful
It cannot be escaped
But it can be Destroyed

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Who Wants Botulinum Toxin A Injected into the Muscles of Their Face?

The anti aging industry raking in the bucks as society gets older. We all keep hearing about the baby boomers, but it is a fact that they do make up a large amount of the United States population. This means it is safe to say they are spending a significant amount of money on anti wrinkle face creams and other anti aging products.

How many people are fighting to get plastic surgery? Is it becoming a thing of the past, given the new serums, creams, and outpatient procedures like Restylane and Botox? There is some truth to the fact that you can save thousands of dollars by trying these procedures, instead of going under the knife. After all, statistics have shown not everyone comes out alive from plastic surgery. It is a sad and true fact. How many people are now willing to take that risk, given the more viable alternatives?

Granted, who wants botulinum toxin A injected into the muscles of their faces? Since most of the formula comes from bovine, is there a risk of getting mad cow disease? There we are, left with another deadly option to consider when it comes to our constant desire to look younger and compete with the younger crowd.

When was the last time someone called you ma'am? Has anyone accused you of being the father to your wife? We have all experienced the insecurities of unintentional (or perhaps intentional at times) taunts of others without scruples.

So what safe options do we have to turn back the clock of aging? How many over the counter and prescription products have you purchased that ended up in your medicine cabinet, or even in your trash can? All we get are over delivered promises, and under delivered results. Sure, we want to believe there is a miracle product that can take 10, 15, or even 20 years off our face. But is there? Or is every single anti aging wrinkle treatment just a way for corporations to make billions of dollars at our expense?

Just a short while ago, the latter might be true. But how can we tell if a newer anti wrinkle face cream is going to work so we do not drop more money down the drain? That is a very good question. The answer is...research. Educate yourself before you buy another anti aging product.

Let us make it easy for you, by sharing an all-in-one anti wrinkle face cream that has revolutionized the aging industry. The large corporations do not want to sell us one product that will do it all, reduce wrinkles, age spots, feathering, liver spots, broken blood vessels, and deep lines. Corporations who specialize in beauty products will produce one product for your eyes, one for your lips, one for your face, a bedtime product, a daytime you see where they are making all of their money?

Every single wrinkle product out there has only one or two main ingredients in it, and this can prove to be more damaging to our skin. Why, because our skin requires a distinct combination of quality ingredients to combat all facets of aging. So what product has all of these ingredients, and what are they?

Let us look at the following successful combination of ingredients and their purpose(s).

Deanol - firms the muscles underneath our skin.

Idebenone - boosts our body's ability to produce collagen and inhibits inflammation

Acetyl Hexapeptide-3 - Ultimate Botox Alternative - safe, non-invasive, without toxicity and high fees

Dithiolane-3-Pentanoic Acid (also called it D3PA) Anti-Oxidant that gives you a healthy glow within five days of its application.

Ascorbyl Palmitate - Vitamin C Done Right - This form of Vitamin C is stable. Unlike L-Ascorbic Acid, it is totally non-irritating.

This is a winning combination of the best wrinkle cream to hit the market--ever. View the ingredients and testimonials of real people who are using this true fountain of youth and no prescriptions are needed. There is hope to fight aging without risking your life. You do have options, and this anti wrinkle face cream is one that is sure to please any man or woman from their 40s all the way up to 100 years old.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

What Causes Wrinkles and What Treatment to Use

Collecting right information regarding the anti aging treatments flooding the marketplace is the best strategy to adopt techniques that suit your aging skin. If you've ever looked at the confusing array of anti aging products, you already know that they come in many different forms, with each designed to target a specific part of the body. Aging takes place due to the development of the tissues and other elements inside the body.

It's important to realize that free radicals that form in the body are in response to the sun's ultraviolet rays are largely responsible for wrinkling and looking older.

These are only three of the theories that have been suggested to explain aging and no scientist knows for certain which, if any of them, is right. I've since found a couple of products that I have to say appear to be doing wonders for my complexion, but it will be some time yet before I get any real results from these anti aging creams as they are part of a program which boasts amazing results in just 6 months. So far as your oily skin is concerned, you might need to test out a few before you actually arrive at the one that is exactly suitable.

Interestingly, one of the best products available isn't labeled as such. So which of these is the best? To regain your eternal beauty and to get back your youth, go with the anti aging supplements.

These will rectify the health of your internal system as well as take proper care of your sensitive and wrinkle prone skin. There are separate prevention routines for every individual depending upon your physical condition and type of skin.

Before you spend too much of your hard-earned money on the new wrinkle treatment, read more articles and tips until you are comfortable as to which one will work best for you.

Loraine DeJona is the expert when it comes to dealing with wrinkles. More tips and reviews can be found at her free website

Monday, January 7, 2008

Middle Age is a Myth - Don't Buy Into It

Recently I ran into a man I worked with several years ago and the first thing he said after "hello" was "Barbara, aren't you ever going to get old? I assured him I didn't have time to get old and we both laughed. He had aged considerably since I last saw him and to make matters worse, he had a face full of scruffy vegetation that hid lines and wrinkles. But the attempted cover-up made him look even older. Beards do that, you know. :-)

I know I can't stop the passage of time but I've learned that "oldness" is a choice. It's a fact: The lifespan has increased by 27 years in the past century. Not only are people living longer, they are staying healthier longer.

In spite of that, we still label age 40 as "middle age" and 65 is "elderly." Okay, okay, some individuals at 40 are "old" and some at 65 are elderly, but are you? Is that how you perceive or describe yourself? Probably not.

The mindset of our contemporary senior culture cheats too many older people out of realizing their full potential, and it needs to stop. We need a revolution of the magnitude of the civil rights movement to wake us up about the new reality of aging.

An individual at age 65 with a fire still ablaze in his or her belly often has to endure the "elderly" stigma that can stop goals and aspirations dead in their tracks. The question, "why would you want to do that at your age" has put a damper on many dreams. Few people have the courage to say, "The heck with the elderly stuff, I am who I am and I will do what I want to do and know I can do, and tradition is not going to stand in my way."

Promise yourself this: If you are 40 to 50, you will stop thinking of yourself as "middle aged", "old" or "elderly." You need to adopt l the "Harkness Model" taken from "Don't Stop the Career Clock" by Dr. Helen Harkness. I have it committed to memory and suggest you do the same:

Young adulthood: 20-40

First midlife: 40-60

Second midlife: 60-80

Young-old: 80-90

Elderly: 90 and above

Old-old: 2-3 years to live

It's extremely powerful when you can internalize the reality that you are not nearly as old and decrepit as conventional wisdom says you are. Trust me - at my age, 78, I know I am not elderly by any stretch of anyone's imagination. I'm reveling in my second midlife, thanks to the wisdom inherent in the Harnkess Model. Once you internalize the Model and apply it, you will see that it makes a huge difference not only in how you live, but in how others see and respond to you. It's liberating when you realize that others perceive you, not as a person at a particular stage of life, but as engagingly ageless.

Barbara Morris, R.Ph. is a pharmacist, author of "Put Old on Hold" and a recognized authority on health and anti-aging strategies. Sign up for her monthly Put Old on Hold Newsletter at and receive her complimentary ebook, "Thirteen Diva Tested Tips for Fabulous Skin." Her expertise is cited in Art Linkletter and Mark Victor Hansen's new book, "How to Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life."

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Five Ways To Live Younger In 2008

It's a new year. And it can only mean one thing; another count to your years. In 2008, you do not need to worry about getting older. Your age is largely about how you perceive yourself. Some quarters even say that age is all in the mind. So if you are wondering how you can stop or even turn back the clock, all you have to do is join the handful of people who have lived by the following tips.

Calm Your Nerves Down

Stress is the number one cause of many diseases that older people are at risk of. In fact, stress can be responsible for premature aging. If this is the case, why not adopt ways to enable your body to relax?

There are countless relaxation procedures that can help you calm down your nerves. If you can turn off the stressors that hound your life, then you may have already won half of the battle against the effects of aging.

Soak Up The Red Wine

A study done at Harvard Medical School found that obese mice treated with heavy doses of extracts from red wine had remarkable improvement in their health. Meaning, the treated mice showed no signs of diseases commonly linked to being overweight; as a matter of fact, the treated mice lived longer than those who were not obese but untreated.

This seemingly magical effects brought about by red wine is due to a substance known as resveratrol. This substance is largely secreted in the grape's skin and is a very potent antioxidant. Because of resveratrol, drinking plenty of red wine can help your body delay and take action against the effects of the aging process.

Munch On Lots Of Dark Chocolate

Well, dark chocolate can be bitter to the taste. But you know, with all those grievous taste comes an abundance of antioxidants. Flavonoids contained in dark chocolate can be beneficial in increasing your level of energy and in your body's fight against free radicals. This substance can also reduce cholesterol in your body; in that connection, your risk to high blood pressure and heart diseases that come with age are also significantly lowered.

Make Room For More Sex

Sex can be great for your health in making you feel younger. People who have sex regularly are found to have increased levels of antibodies in their systems, this means their immune system are in tiptop condition.

Making love with your partner is also a great way to fight off stress. Having sex and attaining orgasm releases brain chemicals called endorphins which are basically nature's tranquilizers implanted right in your own system. Just imagine a safer way to get high; where all worries and anxieties are left behind. This is one of the reasons why sex has been regarded as a life-extender in many civilizations.

Exercise Your Mind And Body Regularly

Think about yourself as a knife; where constant use can make you become sharper and free of stains, while neglect can only result to becoming dull and rusty. Your body works in the same philosophy. Meaning, you have to regularly exercise your mind and body so that you will maintain a balanced life, better flexibility, and greater physical strength and mental aptitude no matter how old you are.

However, in exercising your body, you have to remember that there are parts of your body which can only surrender to the influence of time as you get older. Like certain aspects of your bone structure, these have to contend with the natural process of wear and tear.

But you do not have to stop living the good life and feeling younger just because you feel pain on your back or your legs. If you are concerned about the condition of your bone structures, you can use products like Osteozyne to help you protect your bones against the damages brought by aging. Visit for more details about improving the health of your bones.

Sharon Bell is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine

Friday, January 4, 2008

Does Anti Aging Cream Work At All?

Reversing the effects of age on your appearance is a very popular topic today. With the first of the Baby Boomer generation coming into the retirement age, there are more and more people that are interested in finding ways to look younger. There are literally thousands of different anti-aging creams available on the market today. Since women are especially concerned with the effects of age to their skin, most of these anti-aging creams are targeted towards women, but many men have turned to them as well.

So do any of these anti-aging creams work at all in the first place? And what do they do really exactly? Most of these anti-aging skin products will produce the appearance of reduced wrinkles, which can be noticeable in even just a few weeks of consistent use of the cream. However, there aren't any known anti-aging creams that will actually eliminate wrinkles or otherwise permanently reverse the aging effects to the skin.

Anti-aging creams will remove layers of dead skin from the surface, and hydrate the lower layers giving them a plumper and fuller look that helps reduced the appearance of those wrinkles. The wrinkles are not permanently removed actually, and will reappear after the discontinued use of the skincare product. Therefore, you have to keep applying it everyday. Since the cost of many of these ant-aging creams is not cheap, it is not cheap to maintain the reduced wrinkle effect.

You can achieve a somewhat fuller, plumper skin appearance by using the less expensive type of moisturizers. The only anti-aging cream ingredient that was proven scientifically are vitamin C and E, as well as Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA). These three ingredients have been proven to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, but there are likely many other ingredients that will produce similar effects as well. Results of any skincare product will vary from user to user, and a good strategy would be to try several different brands before settling on one which will work best for you.

In addition to anti aging cream, the two most effective things you can do to slow down the appearance of wrinkles is not to smoke, and to apply sunscreen at the beginning of everyday if you plan on being outside for more than fifteen minutes. SPF 15 or higher is recommended here. It looks good to be tan, but excessive UV exposure is a sure way to bring on wrinkled skin before its time.

No one can escape from getting old. But you can sure slow down the process. Read about it at Antiaging Therapy. Read about the nutritional supplement at How To Down Aging.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Why To Use Face Mask?

Masks are an ideal way of removing the dead cells on the outer layer of the skin. In fact, a mask performs many functions that improve the health and appearance of the skin. A good mask should improve skin texture, make it clearer and more translucent and also preserve its youthful qualities. Masks have a deep cleansing action on the skin, removing impurities, wastes and dead skin cells. They also keep the pores free of clogged oil and prevent many related problems. The removal of dead cells helps to improve the skin's ability to absorb products, making moisturisation much more effective. The skin's cell renewal function also improves.

The process of drying and hardening of many facial masks and their subsequent removal causes an expansion of the blood vessels in the skin, bringing an improvement in skin tone. Blood circulation to the skin surface also improves greatly, leaving the skin glowing and refreshed. Masks should be chosen according to individual requirements. There are many kinds of masks, depending on the functions they have to perform.

How to make facial mask?

Masks are a really good way to pep up skin, in no time at all. Cleansing masks, which often contain clay or fruit, absorb excess oils. The enzymes in fruits such as papaya have a deep-cleansing action and leave the skin glowing.

Moisturizing masks give drier skin a real boost, smoothing our fine lines and refreshing the face. Some moisturizing masks also contain toning and firming ingredients, such as seaweed, herbs and aromatherapy oils and are excellent as complexion-improves before a party or after a late night.

Full cleansing face mask

Cleansing masks are better suited to oily and some combination skins. They are designed to draw out excess oil and pollutants from the surface. These are removed from the skin when the mask is washed off. Cleansing masks also help to unclog the pores and remove dead skin cells. Thus, they discourage the formation of blackheads, refine the pores and improve the texture of the skin. They should be specially formulated for cleansing and refining the skin and is ideally suited to oily skins. Cleansing mask improve skin texture and tighten the pores.

Surgical face mask

Medicated masks have been formulated for specific problems, like pimples, rash and other eruptions, as well as for skin sensitivity. It can also be used if there is acne, as it helps to soothe and heal the skin. It also creates a germicidal surface to control such conditions from spreading.

Homemade face mask

Home Ingredients for Masks

For dry skin: Mix half teaspoon honey with the yolk of an egg and one tablespoon dried milk powder. Mix into a paste and apply. Remove after 20 minutes with water.

For oily skins: Mix half teaspoon honey with egg white and one teaspoon lemon juice. Add fuller's earth or brewer's yeast powder. Mix into a paste and apply. Remove after 20 minutes with water.

For oily skin and enlarged pores: Add lemon juice and a little

milk to oatmeal. Apply the paste and remove after 20 minutes with water. Do not use if there are eruptions.

For oily and combination skins: Mix one tablespoon yoghurt with

fuller's earth and apply. Yoghurt itself can be applied on the face. It helps to soften the skin and restores the natural acid mantle.

For blackheads: Add the white of an egg to oatmeal and apply for 15 to 20 minutes. Remove with water, rubbing gently.

For sunburn: Add a little lemon juice to milk and apply with cotton wool. Mayonnaise can also be applied by itself. It helps to soothe sunburn.

For skin cleansing: Make a pulp of raw papaya and apply. Papaya nas a cleansing action, softening dead skin cells and aiding their removal.

For all skin types: Grated cucumber can be applied all over the

face. The juice is good for the skin around the eyes too. Helps to tighten the skin and has a cooling and refreshing effect.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Do You Think Wrinkle Creams Work

Do you think Wrinkle creams work? It is amazing to note that more than a billion dollars is being spent on wrinkle creams and other such cosmetic products every year in North America. So it is worth to find out whether these wrinkle creams really work? You might have noticed the advertisements of wrinkle creams and other such cosmetic products in the media like television ,newspapers etc so often. This will give us a picture that a huge amount is spent in this way. This itself proves that there is good result in using the wrinkle creams. Otherwise this will not happen this way, is it not?

Every woman dreams of looking beautiful and youthful throughout her life. Whatever the age, beauty always holds its significance. Everyone wants to looks beautiful and attractive; some admit it while some don't. And if someone is already beautiful, the need to retain that beauty for a longer time is always in there. No one wants to grow old and men are no exception. Everyone knows wrinkles are the first sign of aging and therefore, nobody, not even males want to age.

Dr. Nicholas Perricone, a popular researcher and author has done a lot of research on aging and found that the internal inflammation of the cells is the most important factor in wrinkles and aging. Because of the inflammation of the cells, the skin cells start aging and as this is an internal inflammation, it is not visible externally. If there is extreme inflammation, the face will become red and you can see some signs of external inflammation on the skin.

The inflammation is a result of internal irritation of cells which may be due to sun radiations or rapid sugar level fluctuations within the blood. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid excessive exposure to the harmful UV rays and less intake of sugar. It is advisable to follow this while using your wrinkle cream. Dr. Perricone has invested most of his life for researching about anti-aging, wrinkle creams and various types of treatments for aging and effective anti aging skin care.

There are hours of study material, television lectures and DVDs by Dr.Perricone available everywhere on this subject. As he is very fond of scientific nomenclature, some of his lectures may sound boring at times, but is one of the best persons to answer about the effectiveness of wrinkle creams. Lets summarize his findings in the below paragraphs for the purpose of this article on his website.

Wrinkle creams DO WORK is the answer given by the Doctor. yet one has to select the right product to get good results. The cream must contain anti inflammatory ingredients like antioxidants and Omega-4 to work effectively. Nevertheless we should take rich diet and do regular exercises to get optimal results.

You should always make sure that the primary purpose of your wrinkle cream is not to provide external moisture to your skin, as in the long run, it will make your skin dependent on external sources of moisture. Also, it is advisable to avoid frequent swimming, hot tub bath, or excessive face wash as instead of providing moisture to your skin; these activities actually dry out the skin and have negative effects in the future. It is also noticed that prolonged used of some old-style wrinkle creams give you a rubbery feeling instead of a youthful glow.

Now days a lot of people are aware of aware of this and this has bring down the popularity of such products in the market. You can easily find high-quality and your skin type product in your nearest cosmetic store or internet store. These products are natural and help in avoiding premature aging and enhance that glow on your skin. This website provides a lot of information about these products and will surely be your best friend in guiding you in the right direction.

Geoff Hopkins has worked in the deep wrinkle cream industry for years. He maintains websites about LifeCell Skin Care and anti wrinkle serums If you want to contact him, you can use the contact for at one of his sites.