Friday, January 18, 2008

Anti-Aging Black Clay Opens the Heart and Nourishes the Soul!

Nestled deep within the pristine mountains of the Cascades in Southern Oregon, a region long believed to hold secrets to health and rejuvenation, an unusual deposit of black clay was recently discovered. It is as if it wanted to be found at the right time, and in a way that would insure that its true purpose would be understood and made available to the world.

Were it not for the long-term scientific bent of my good friend Ted, and his patient persistence (for 6 months) in suggesting I look into some of his special waters, I would not have understood the true significance of the experience I was having with this clay. Exploring Ted's impressive array of waters and traps and charging devices gave me an orientation to a field of science that I was unfamiliar with, yet which spoke to a deep place within my soul - the science of alchemy and the making of "manna". I felt its significance more than understood it.

What is Manna?

The "manna" of the Old Testament, white powder of gold, the shewbread of the Ark of the Covenant, the alchemical laboratory of Moses, the chalice of the Last Supper, the small cones served on a plate inscribed on the walls of the Egyptian pyramids -- these are all references to this science. References to manna-like creations span all the major religions, and can even be traced back to the earliest times of recorded history.

The recent discovery of Black Clay stood out as a symbol to me of what the science of alchemy strove to create -- "manna" -- "bread from heaven", or more accurately, "bread that brings us closer to the experience of heaven". (Subsequently, the trade name "Black Manna" is now the water extract derivative of the Black Clay. It was discovered early on that the Black Clay was so concentrated with active ingredients, it had to be diluted carefully in water in order to gauge more accurately a standard dose).

What experience is it that takes us closest to the experience of heaven? Is it not simply an open heart? How do you feel when you are in love? Is this not a piece of "heaven"? I have found Black Manna to open the heart in a gentle, yet profound way. It enhances my meditations immensely. It nourishes my soul. When the heart and soul are at peace, will this not have a beneficial effect on the health of the body? When stress is reduced, will the face not shine with a more youthful appearance?

I have personally experienced, and observed in others taking Black Manna, a remarkable slowing of the aging process, an enhanced vitality building with time, and a stronger, more balanced approach naturally taken toward life goals. Greater success seems to follow inevitably.

Only with the Black Clay, no special processes or chemical alterations need to be made as in times past; no deep alchemical metaphors need to be deciphered; no heat or concentrations need to be applied -- this is just clay right from the ground, unaltered.

What Is It Made Of?

Black Clay possesses qualities and effects on the human psyche that indicate it is naturally abundant in monatomic elements. "Monatomic" refers to certain elements of the periodic chart existing in a single or double atom combination. They are referred to as monatomic or diatomic in nature as opposed to large clusters of molecules of the same element. Some of the more commonly known elements found in monatomic form are gold, silver, platinum, rhodium, iridium, indium, iron, and copper. Another common term for this seemingly rare form of the original mineral state is "M-state elements" or ORMES (Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements).

M-state elements, in my opinion, can best be described as the first physical manifestation of light. All matter is merely light condensed into compact form. The first condensation of the light spectrum into matter is likely to have been the full range of the physical periodic chart of elements, only as single atoms of each element. The properties of an element in its single atom form can be quite different from an element in its clustered, more densely compacted form. Monatomic gold and solid gold are two good examples. Solid gold is an excellent conductor of electricity. Monatomic gold possesses even more enhanced properties and serves as food for the brain, the nervous system, endocrine (hormonal) system, and improved functioning of the cells of the body. Brain matter is made, in part, of monatomic elements, particularly rhodium and iridium, and evidently requires these elements to function optimally.

Monatomics are believed to assist in the repair of damaged DNA. Therefore, subsequent replication of cells of the body would be constructed according to an improved blueprint. In the plant kingdom, dynamically improved foliage development is readily seen from applications of monatomic soil amendments. Leaves are larger, greener, visibly healthier. Fruits and produce are larger, healthier, more nutritious, and endure stresses such as heat, cold and drought much better. To check out a few examples of such remarkable rejuvenations of plant foliage go to If it can do this for plants, what can it do for humans?

Effects on the Body and Opening the Heart

Several highly intuitive individuals have commented about their findings with respect to the Black Manna. It appears to open all of the energy centers at one time. Hormonal balance seems to be enhanced. Pineal function seems to be noticeably improved (a common observation resulting from the consumption of monatomics in general.) The pineal gland is known to produce its own natural forms of melatonin and human growth hormone (HGH). (Could this explain why there are references to the patriarchs of old living 8-900 years?) This may also explain the near vivid dreams, deep restful sleep, and a more rapid turn-around in chronic health conditions. The left and right brain seem to communicate better under its influence, creativity increases, problems are less stressful, low energy is picked up, hyperactive energy is calmed down -- it appears as though the energetic systems of the body naturally move toward optimal, balanced functioning. The net result is that the energy of the heart opens up, stress lessens, both repetitive and complex tasks are handled with ease, challenges are handled more smoothly. Life simply gets a little easier.

Similar kinds of experiences have been reported by many since Black Manna has been offered to the public. Some health improvements reported are surprisingly dramatic, while the majority commonly report an increased sense of well being, a more balanced energy and better sleep. Some have reported a surprising amount of energy and sense of well being with only a few drops, while others have not felt any effect with 8 ounces at once (these are usually those that also need four times as much pain killer for dental work.) Most however, find a comfortable daily dose at around a teaspoon once or twice per day. Others, after several months on the product, find 4-8 ounces a day a comfortable and enjoyable dose. The larger amounts, taken too soon, bring such an expansion, that lightheadedness may result along with the desire to just kick back, meditate, or take frequent walks in the garden -- OK at times, but this may not be the most efficient way to take care of regular business. Smiles, on the other hand, are pretty much a universal experience at any dose.

Those with more experience with M-state products (ormus) may find a larger dose more comfortable. So, a new approach was developed to accommodate this possibility and still be reasonable. By adding additional Black Clay Granules to Black Manna Original it is now possible to make your own "manna" and grow naturally into increased dosages or stronger concentrations at will.

After hearing almost daily now, since the products have been made available to the public, about the personal experiences of people whose health and energy levels have improved, it is clear that the Black Manna is a resource from Mother Nature that deserves to be made available to all. It is one of those "right place, right time" resources that are here to help us move forward into the upcoming Golden Age of peace, cooperation and commitment to the common good. How does Black Manna accomplish this? Well, isn't a Golden Age mentality the natural inclination of those whose hearts are open?

Life on the planet is changing fast. The old is passing away and the new is quickly emerging. Black Manna is one of the great gifts from Nature that is able to support the kind of conscious expansion that is necessary to stay in sync with global changes as they are happening.

Enjoy the simple blessings of life!

G. Michael King is a Life Enrichment Counselor and the author of The Gentle Art of Self-Healing Seminars and DVD's. Michael is also the originator of the Heart Balance Herbal Rejuvenation line of 40+ herbal formulas, and is the international source for Sacred Clay, Black Manna, Solutions for Environmental Cleanup & Increased Global Food Production, and the truly exceptional Mineral Manna -- a Revitalizer for People, Pets, Plants & Soil.


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