Saturday, January 19, 2008

Slow Down Aging Of The Skin

It is never too early or too late to slow down the aging process. Whether you have taken care of yourself up to this point or not, you can amend that situation by learning how to slow down aging.

Your lifestyle will dictate the status of your health and your looks. You can incorporate the principles of good health into your life and it can include little things like having good posture to bigger things such as making sure that you have enough good nutrients in your diet to maintain strong and healthy bones. You must exercise especially to maintain spinal and bone health. If your bones are not strong enough to last, you will find it difficult to slow down the aging process.

Five topics deal with issues on how to slow down the aging process. These five topics are skin, hands, eyes, smoking and teeth. If you pay attention to these five topics and follow the tips in each topic, you can go a long way to slowing down the aging process.

Your Skin

Aging shows up on your skin first. You can tell when your skin starts to wrinkle and sag on your face and your body. You can give your skin a regular work out with exercise. Regular exercise will give you a bloom in your cheeks.

When your body is thirsty, it gives you the feeling of thirst. This means that your body has reached the point where it really needs water. If you are chronically thirsty, your skin will look dry and will become easily wrinkled. You can prevent this by drinking enough water and liquids so that you do not become thirsty and are well hydrated instead. Water is the best liquid to drink, followed by fruit juice and teas.

You must also keep your skin clean and moisturized. As we age, our skin thins and dries out. In this way, it becomes susceptible to damage. You can help your skin by protecting it with moisturizers. A good moisturizer will keep your skin smooth and supple so that it will not wrinkle or sag as easily.

Young Hands

Your hands can give your age away as much as the wrinkles on your face. You will need to care for your hands regularly in order to keep your hands smooth and wrinkle free. Some general tips for keeping your hands fresh looking include wearing rubber gloves when you do household chores to avoid contact with harsh chemicals and cleaners.

You will go far by regularly applying a moisturizer to your hands. Do not allow your hands to be exposed to harsh weather conditions so that you can avoid chapping and burning the skin of your hands. Both of these conditions will age your hands. Wear gloves and a sunscreen to protect your skin. Take care of your nails so that they will enhance the look of your hands.

Youthful Eyes

You can easily use natural treatments to soothe your eyes and prevent bags from appearing under your eyes. Place two thick slices of a chilled cucumber on your eyes while you lay down in a calm room. Keep the cucumbers on your eyes for about ten minutes for a refreshed look.

You can do this once a week for a relaxed look around your refreshed eyes. Your eyes will be bright and will not look stressed out. If you do not have cucumbers, use cooled, used teabags from your black or green tea or an eye mask. Regular application of an eye cream in the morning and at night will prevent wrinkling around the skin.

Smoking Will Age You

If there is one thing that will improve your appearance, it is giving up cigarettes. Smoking cigarettes may not only make you seriously sick, it can accelerate the aging process.

Smoking causes wrinkling around the mouth and it will eventually give you a smoker's cough, which is certainly an aging characteristic. You must be determined to stop smoking if you want to stop the aging process that smoking seems to accelerate.

Your Teeth

A beautiful smile can make you look younger. You will need to look after your teeth well throughout your life especially as you age because if you have to wear dentures, this can be aging. Whiten your teeth and get your teeth repaired to make the best of your smile.

You can slow down the aging process through regular exercise, a healthy diet and avoiding the damaging rays of the sun. When you are out in the sunshine, wear a brimmed hat and sleeves. When you get out of a bath, moisturize your skin while still moist. Exfoliate skin to remove dead skin. Follow these tips to slow down the aging process and keep up a youthful appearance.

Many anti aging skin care brands are available from shops, along with skin anti-aging care articles for advice.


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