Saturday, January 5, 2008

Five Ways To Live Younger In 2008

It's a new year. And it can only mean one thing; another count to your years. In 2008, you do not need to worry about getting older. Your age is largely about how you perceive yourself. Some quarters even say that age is all in the mind. So if you are wondering how you can stop or even turn back the clock, all you have to do is join the handful of people who have lived by the following tips.

Calm Your Nerves Down

Stress is the number one cause of many diseases that older people are at risk of. In fact, stress can be responsible for premature aging. If this is the case, why not adopt ways to enable your body to relax?

There are countless relaxation procedures that can help you calm down your nerves. If you can turn off the stressors that hound your life, then you may have already won half of the battle against the effects of aging.

Soak Up The Red Wine

A study done at Harvard Medical School found that obese mice treated with heavy doses of extracts from red wine had remarkable improvement in their health. Meaning, the treated mice showed no signs of diseases commonly linked to being overweight; as a matter of fact, the treated mice lived longer than those who were not obese but untreated.

This seemingly magical effects brought about by red wine is due to a substance known as resveratrol. This substance is largely secreted in the grape's skin and is a very potent antioxidant. Because of resveratrol, drinking plenty of red wine can help your body delay and take action against the effects of the aging process.

Munch On Lots Of Dark Chocolate

Well, dark chocolate can be bitter to the taste. But you know, with all those grievous taste comes an abundance of antioxidants. Flavonoids contained in dark chocolate can be beneficial in increasing your level of energy and in your body's fight against free radicals. This substance can also reduce cholesterol in your body; in that connection, your risk to high blood pressure and heart diseases that come with age are also significantly lowered.

Make Room For More Sex

Sex can be great for your health in making you feel younger. People who have sex regularly are found to have increased levels of antibodies in their systems, this means their immune system are in tiptop condition.

Making love with your partner is also a great way to fight off stress. Having sex and attaining orgasm releases brain chemicals called endorphins which are basically nature's tranquilizers implanted right in your own system. Just imagine a safer way to get high; where all worries and anxieties are left behind. This is one of the reasons why sex has been regarded as a life-extender in many civilizations.

Exercise Your Mind And Body Regularly

Think about yourself as a knife; where constant use can make you become sharper and free of stains, while neglect can only result to becoming dull and rusty. Your body works in the same philosophy. Meaning, you have to regularly exercise your mind and body so that you will maintain a balanced life, better flexibility, and greater physical strength and mental aptitude no matter how old you are.

However, in exercising your body, you have to remember that there are parts of your body which can only surrender to the influence of time as you get older. Like certain aspects of your bone structure, these have to contend with the natural process of wear and tear.

But you do not have to stop living the good life and feeling younger just because you feel pain on your back or your legs. If you are concerned about the condition of your bone structures, you can use products like Osteozyne to help you protect your bones against the damages brought by aging. Visit for more details about improving the health of your bones.

Sharon Bell is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine


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