Thursday, December 27, 2007

L-Carnosine - The Scientific Rasayana

"Rasayana" is a term from the ancient Ayurvedic science of health and life extension, meaning a compound transforming and regenerating the body, mind and spirit to a longer and happier life, and eventually for enlightenment.

The ancients developed a very deep and exact science of herbs, minerals and other substances in order to prolong life. We may think that we are the only generation that has sought for longer, happier lives, but no,- this has been the goal of so many people before us, and for very diverse reasons.

Scientist are still adding papers to the already strong base of evidence of the medical benefits of l-carnosine. The results are nothing less than astounding. Carnosine is found naturally in nearly all cells in the body, and the supplements have no negative reaction to other prescription and over-the-counter drugs, nor with any illnesses or medical conditions. Case studies have thoroughly confirmed how carnosine has the potential to slow the aging process, help sufferers from neurological diseases, young and old, and heal and alleviate many other diseases in nearly all organ systems of the body.

Aging may be viewed as a cumulative result of oxidative stress on the cell membranes, the DNA, the lipids, proteins and all components of the cells, and even the extracellular tissues and substances. Illnesses are the results of accelerated processes of aging in the different organs where the illnesses manifest. Obviously, the prevention and possibly the cure to many of the illnesses and the aging processes itself must involve antioxidants that counter effect the free radicals.

L-carnosine is a super antioxidant that boosts the immune system and destroys the free radicals that contribute to the aging process, helping you live longer and have all round better health and a greater quality of life. It is one of the strongest antioxidants found to date. Humans are born with higher levels of carnosine in their bodies. The brain, muscles and nerve cells have especially high levels as they store this health related combination of two important amino acids. This corresponds well with their longer life cycles. But the concentration in the cells and tissues decrease with age though, thereby opening the body to harmful influences as one ages. The aging is closely linked to this decrease of carnosine in the cells, and substituting the gradual loss of l-carnosine is a very logical step to take.

The duo acts as an immune buster and cell rejuvenator, and keep the body strong and healthy. Naturally, if your body has the ability to fight off disease and illness, you will live longer. Unfortunately, as human beings age, the natural stores of carnosine decrease. Thus, sickness and other age related issues also increase.

For example, as we age, our skin loses elasticity, causing the skin to sag, wrinkle, and look older. The muscles begin to lose functionality, resulting in greater inactivity. While the process may be the natural result of our added years, carnosine can help individuals live longer and more productive lives. You see, although the body is meant to last approximately 120 years, most people do not live beyond their 80's. Carnosine acts as an anti aging medicine, with the potential to change those statistics.

However, l-carnosine's potential goes far beyond an anti-aging supplement, it is also being tested as a combatant against dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Getting old is bad enough, but to lose cognitive abilities makes living almost torture for the individual and their family members.

The premise of Carnosine is simple - help prevent or slow neurological diseases. "In Alzheimer's disease, lipid peroxidation products are thought to interfere with critical membrane proteins involved in cellular signaling and in transporting ions, glucose and glutamate. Their impairment leads to membrane depolarization, metabolic deficit, excitotoxicity and increased vulnerability to oxidative assault" (Mark RJ et al., 1997; Butterfield DA, 1999).

Using two mice from the same litter as test subjects, feeding one with carnosine and the other ordinary food showed a marked improvement in the aging processes by suppressing lipid peroxidation in the mouse that got the carnosine enriched water.

Since carnosine occurs naturally within the human body, why not add the supplement to the diet of aging patients to slow or arrest the progress of mentally impairing diseases?

Even if anti-aging and the arresting of degenerative mental and physical diseases are the limitation of carnosine's ability, it is a miraculous supplement. However, the potential of this wondrous antioxidant goes way beyond the brain and the mental, and way beyond the degenerative diseases in general. It may also be the savior for families dealing with the autism.

Autism is a thief! Seemingly normal children are robbed of the ability to communicate and effectively interact with the world around them. For reasons yet unknown, a relatively overnight change occurs. An interactive rambunctious child simply withdraws and becomes a silent, solitary person in his/her own world. Oftentimes, communication is non-existent or limited to tantrums. Desperate parents and physicians have been searching for something, anything, to help autistic children come back from the confines of their minds.

In a double-blind study, to avoid any possible bias in the results, two groups of autistic children are studied over an 8 week time period. One half are given a placebo, with the others are given a supplement of Carnosine. Tests were conducted prior to the study to determine each child's baseline activity.

After 8 weeks, new testing is conducted. "The results of this study suggest that supplementation with Carnosine can significantly improve receptive speech, socialization, and behavior with autistic spectrum disorders. These gains are observable both by parents and clinicians blinded to study group, as evidenced by the scores on the Clinical Global Impression" (Carnosine Study Results). Even the slightest improvement for children suffering from autism is a giant leap forward in helping families deal with this life-altering neurological horror.

So far, Carnosine has proven effective in anti-aging studies, neurological problems in the elderly, and autism in the young; however, studies are also being conducted in the benefits of carnosine in a variety of other debilitating diseases.

For example, Carnosine has been tested in relation to controlling blood sugar levels. Preliminary studies show definite potential to help people with diabetes. Although Carnosine's potential is still being tested, the significant implications are very real. Carnosine can possibly help reduce the side effects of diabetes and help regulate the body. This is no minor thing,- it is really an immense potency to help thousands and millions of people to a better, healthier and longer life.

In addition to diabetes, Carnosine eye drops have been developed to assist in clearing up eye infections, healing open wounds, reducing scarring, and so much more. According to the studies so far, the potential benefits of Carnosine seems limitless. In addition, no negative side effects have ever been reported even when large doses have been taken over time.

Carnosine works on the basic cell level to begin the rejuvenation and healing processes. Since the body consists of cells, it is just natural that the entire body is positively influenced by this miracle compound. It is a "universal rasayana",- the scientific answer to the ancient science of health and life extension found in Ayurveda. Rather than a drug to control the symptoms, carnosine works with the body's natural defenses to help protect against the assaults on the body that cause aging and disease. It just strengthens whatever should be strengthened, and neutralize whatever should be neutralized. After all, carnosine naturally occurs in the brain and other parts of the body. So, a supplement simply replaces what time and illness have taken away, helping the body function appropriately for a longer lifespan.

Effects have been seen in MS, ME and other forms of lowered energy levels, heart failure, asthma, cancer, general immunity functions, reflecting in increased resistance to infections, flus and colds, muscular diseases, migraine, and even all the symptoms one experiences the day after a too heavy intake of alcohol. This all means that by taking carnosine orally, one waters the root of the body, and enjoys the fruits on all levels.

Imagine the ability to help the body naturally heal wounds faster, prevent cognitive degeneration, clear up eye infections, regulate diseases like diabetes, and slow the aging process, fight migraine, asthma, low energy syndromes, MS etc etc. Humans can live longer, happier, more productive lives. Carnosine really is the multi-potential healing agent, a modern rasayana that truly deserves this name.

If you want to read more, then click the link;


Chez, Michael G., et al. Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of L-Carnosine Supplementation in Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders. Autism Coach. Dec. 21, 2007 in Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of l-Carnosine Supplementation in Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders.

Mark RJ, Lovell MA, Markesbery WR, et al. A role for 4-hydroxynonenal, an aldehydic product of lipid peroxidation, in disruption of ion homeostasis and neuronal death induced by amyloid beta-peptide. J Neurochem. 1997; 68(1):255-64.

My name is Einar Eskeland. I am a norwegian medical doctor, and a yoga and meditation enthusiast since youth. I promote several high quality sources of knowledge for self improvement, evolution, health and growth as a part of my practice as a doctor, and as a help for my patients in their struggle to regain health and balance.

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