Monday, December 31, 2007

Foods That Help In The Anti Aging Process

For thousands of years, people have been in search for the elusive fountain of youth. One such famous search for the youth was conducted by Ponce de Leon in the early 1500's. The mythical legend spoke of miraculous waters and those who drank from this miracle fountain would never age and would maintain the beauty of youth. The water was never found and so the fountain of youth remained only a legend.

Despite the fact that this miraculous water was never found, the quest for a miraculous anti aging elixir that would maintain our youthfulness forever has not been quenched. Today, many products and procedures claim to be able to reverse or slow down the aging process. These products and procedures include using natural remedies, creams, injections and of course, the plastic surgery.

However, the most natural of all the substances may be found in the foods that we eat everyday. These foods may be the natural solution to help in the quest for the anti aging process. These foods can be broken down into two basic categories of: fruit and vegetables

Fruits - Certain fruits have demonstrated promising results in the aid of anti aging process. Those fruits include apples, strawberries and grapes. Researchers have discovered that some of these fruit products contain ellagic acid. Ellagic acid is a natural insect repellent substance found in various plants

This acid has demonstrated the capacity to hinder the growth of tumors within the body. This hindrance process of tumor growth is accomplished by the ability of the acid to minimize the enzymes, within the body, that are utilized by mutated cancer cells.

Other fruits that contain the valuable anti aging ingredients are cantaloupe, peaches and apricots. These fruits contain antioxidant properties that are known as lycopene. These antioxidants protect the body's cells from damage caused by the free radicals. In addition, these fruits have demonstrated their effectiveness in protecting certain organs of the body.

And apple aid in the anti aging process of the skin. Initial testing has shown that apples stimulate the production of collagen. The production of collagen is necessary for the skin to maintain its elasticity which can help minimize the wrinkling of the skin.

Vegetables - Some vegetables have also shown their ability to fight the anti aging process. Vegetables such as carrots, spinach and sweet potatoes have also demonstrated known antioxidant capabilities.

One other group of vegetables like soybeans and alfalfa sprouts, when eaten, that has demonstrated their effectiveness in blocking the production of particular enzymes. The antiaging substance found in these vegetables is known as genistein. Genistein inhibits the production of enzymes that have been identified as stimulants that are known to activate the cancer genes.

Who do not want to look young as long as they can? Is antiaging antioxidants efficient?. Read about aging process review at Howto-AntiAging Therapy.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Anti Aging - 5 Anti Aging Elements To Make You Look Young

In todays world of modern science and technology, you have a choice of five top notch elements that can prevent aging. On top of the list is of course the anti aging serum. This serum works by increasing the production of collagen to make the skin taut and beautiful. Within a matter of four weeks, you will be able to notice the difference. Some people have experienced changes within the first week of using the anti aging serum. The level of enhancement varies among individuals and their skin types.

What are the Best Elements That can Reverse or Slow Down Aging?

The anti aging serum is obviously the number one on the list because not only does it gives the fastest and most visible result but also because it is easy to use. The majority of people have high regards for it because of its results. The top anti aging have retinol and vitamin A as their main ingredients. This is because Retinol and Vitamin A has the ability to make your skin as good as new in a short period of time.

Next on the list would be peptides. Basically, peptides controls the level of collagen produced and hence has the ability to make the skin better. Anti aging creams with peptide elements will make the skin better over a period of regular usage. You will need to applied it regularly to ensure that you continuously send the 'message' to your skin to keep on producing colalgen.

The third element is called EGCG or epigallocathechin. EGCG comes from green tea and it is very potent and effective in combating aging. This is why, most Japanese men and women have flawless skin because gree tea is drunk daily just like how some people consume water. epigallocathchin is 100 hundred times more powerful than Vitamin C in combating free radicals in the body and around 25 times more potent than Vitamin E in promoting healthy beautiful skin. Most anti aging serums in the market contain EGCG due to its beautifying properties.

Another great element that can do wonders to your skin is the anti-Botox peptide. It is known as the argireline which can give an instant face life without needles. The anti-Botox peptide works by relaxing the muscles that are responsible for causing wrinkles, very similar to the Botox principle. You will be amazed to find a 30 percent reduction in wrinkles in about 30 days after using this element.

The final element which has been around for centuries is Vitamin C. Vitamin C as we know is famous for its anti-free radical properties. Concentrated anti-aging serum capsules with Vitamin C can easily be found and should be used as a topical application for best results.

Find out more on Anti Aging Serums by visiting a popular Anti Aging website that specializes in offering free Anti Aging tips, resources and advice to help keep you looking young and beautiful.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

The Five Secrets To Effective Wrinkle Treatment

Looking for an effective wrinkle treatment solution? Well, remember this: any substance that can be absorbed by your skin will enter your bloodstream. This ought to make you think twice about the chemical ingredients in the wrinkle cream you use. Why not use these five natural secrets to have younger looking skin right now.

Not Smoking Is Good Wrinkle Treatment

Bottom line, aging and the forming of wrinkles is the result of cell oxidation. Anything that increases oxidation speeds up aging. Smoking causes oxidation. Therefore, don't smoke if you don't want wrinkles.

Diet And Good Skin

Anything that slows down cell oxidation will slow down the aging process and the appearance of wrinkles. So, what foods are the best to eat? Well obviously, foods high in antioxidants are the way to go. Dark berries, green tea and leafy vegetables are the most well know. But this is only half the story needed to get good wrinkle treatment.

Put every food you eat on a raw/processed continuum. Foods on the raw side are the best and those on the processed side are the worst. For example, white flour and anything made with it is highly processed. Now, I'm not going to tell you that all you can eat are raw vegetables. However, you definitely want most of what goes in your mouth to be closer to the raw side.

Fish Oil And Krill Oil

Proper balance of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids is key to good wrinkle treatment. Unfortunately, due to our highly processed diets we are extremely omega 3 fatty acid deficient. Therefore, it's important that you supplement. I like using Carlson's fish oil or Krill oil. Carlson's tests it's product to make sure there are no contaminates like mercury so I feel safer taking it than other run of the mill fish oil pills. Krill oil isn't a concern.

Virgin Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is an important part of any wrinkle treatment program. It can stop the formation of free radicals that lead to oxidation. Not only does consuming it help, but rubbing it on your skin is beneficial as well.

Manage Stress Effectively

Stress also speeds up the aging process. You don't have to avoid stress altogether, but you do need to manage it for good wrinkle treatment. Exercise, meditation and deep breathing are all goods ways to reduce the damaging effects of stress on your skin.

The best wrinkle treatment is preventative, not reactive. Wrinkle creams not only contain unwanted chemicals, but they are expensive and only partially effective. The best wrinkle treatment comes from natural remedies like the ones mentioned above.

Jonathan writes on various health topics including effective wrinkle treatment. Sign up to receive a free skin care eBook. Just drop him a line at

Friday, December 28, 2007

Anti-Wrinkle And Anti-Aging Creams And Today's Teen

Wrinkles and aging are not just skin conditions for the middle-aged person to worry about anymore. Because of environmental concerns and the ever growing amount of cosmetics companies that are aimed at teenagers and plain old stress, today's teenagers are also starting to worry about wrinkles and signs of aging.

It is actually a good sign that today's teenagers are worried about the effects of the sun on their skin. This means that they will remember to use sun screen and cover up. Gone are the days of pouring baby oil onto ourselves in hoping of looking like a burnt French fry at the end of the day. Today's teenagers know that their makeup foundation needs to have at least an SPF of 15. Teenagers today are also far more educated about pollutants and toxins that are present in today's air and they know how to protect themselves from them.

Teenagers also have to fight acne, a condition that most adults have (hopefully) grown out of. It can be tricky finding skin care products that help protect them and fight acne at the same time.

Teenagers who want to use anti-wrinkle and anti-aging creams should focus on products that are made for younger skin. The products made for rejuvenating older faces might be too strong for a teenager's face and in the long run, they could end up doing more harm than good.

There is no real reason to worry about a teenager who wants to start using anti-wrinkle or anti-aging skin creams. After all, young faces need protection just like adult faces do. The trick is to know what to look for in a product base. Heavier creams will want to be saved for adults while the lighter creams are fine for teenagers. The best way to know which one to buy for you and which one to buy for your teenager is to learn what ingredients are what. An adult might not need a product with anti-acne ingredients, but a teenager will.

Everybody needs to take care to protect their skin against the elements. Skin care is a regimen that should start early on. After all, the earlier you start paying attention to and caring for your skin, the easier it will be to take care of it later in life!

For more information on the best anti wrinkle eye cream visit where you will find resources, articles and tips concerning anti wrinkle eye creams

Thursday, December 27, 2007

L-Carnosine - The Scientific Rasayana

"Rasayana" is a term from the ancient Ayurvedic science of health and life extension, meaning a compound transforming and regenerating the body, mind and spirit to a longer and happier life, and eventually for enlightenment.

The ancients developed a very deep and exact science of herbs, minerals and other substances in order to prolong life. We may think that we are the only generation that has sought for longer, happier lives, but no,- this has been the goal of so many people before us, and for very diverse reasons.

Scientist are still adding papers to the already strong base of evidence of the medical benefits of l-carnosine. The results are nothing less than astounding. Carnosine is found naturally in nearly all cells in the body, and the supplements have no negative reaction to other prescription and over-the-counter drugs, nor with any illnesses or medical conditions. Case studies have thoroughly confirmed how carnosine has the potential to slow the aging process, help sufferers from neurological diseases, young and old, and heal and alleviate many other diseases in nearly all organ systems of the body.

Aging may be viewed as a cumulative result of oxidative stress on the cell membranes, the DNA, the lipids, proteins and all components of the cells, and even the extracellular tissues and substances. Illnesses are the results of accelerated processes of aging in the different organs where the illnesses manifest. Obviously, the prevention and possibly the cure to many of the illnesses and the aging processes itself must involve antioxidants that counter effect the free radicals.

L-carnosine is a super antioxidant that boosts the immune system and destroys the free radicals that contribute to the aging process, helping you live longer and have all round better health and a greater quality of life. It is one of the strongest antioxidants found to date. Humans are born with higher levels of carnosine in their bodies. The brain, muscles and nerve cells have especially high levels as they store this health related combination of two important amino acids. This corresponds well with their longer life cycles. But the concentration in the cells and tissues decrease with age though, thereby opening the body to harmful influences as one ages. The aging is closely linked to this decrease of carnosine in the cells, and substituting the gradual loss of l-carnosine is a very logical step to take.

The duo acts as an immune buster and cell rejuvenator, and keep the body strong and healthy. Naturally, if your body has the ability to fight off disease and illness, you will live longer. Unfortunately, as human beings age, the natural stores of carnosine decrease. Thus, sickness and other age related issues also increase.

For example, as we age, our skin loses elasticity, causing the skin to sag, wrinkle, and look older. The muscles begin to lose functionality, resulting in greater inactivity. While the process may be the natural result of our added years, carnosine can help individuals live longer and more productive lives. You see, although the body is meant to last approximately 120 years, most people do not live beyond their 80's. Carnosine acts as an anti aging medicine, with the potential to change those statistics.

However, l-carnosine's potential goes far beyond an anti-aging supplement, it is also being tested as a combatant against dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Getting old is bad enough, but to lose cognitive abilities makes living almost torture for the individual and their family members.

The premise of Carnosine is simple - help prevent or slow neurological diseases. "In Alzheimer's disease, lipid peroxidation products are thought to interfere with critical membrane proteins involved in cellular signaling and in transporting ions, glucose and glutamate. Their impairment leads to membrane depolarization, metabolic deficit, excitotoxicity and increased vulnerability to oxidative assault" (Mark RJ et al., 1997; Butterfield DA, 1999).

Using two mice from the same litter as test subjects, feeding one with carnosine and the other ordinary food showed a marked improvement in the aging processes by suppressing lipid peroxidation in the mouse that got the carnosine enriched water.

Since carnosine occurs naturally within the human body, why not add the supplement to the diet of aging patients to slow or arrest the progress of mentally impairing diseases?

Even if anti-aging and the arresting of degenerative mental and physical diseases are the limitation of carnosine's ability, it is a miraculous supplement. However, the potential of this wondrous antioxidant goes way beyond the brain and the mental, and way beyond the degenerative diseases in general. It may also be the savior for families dealing with the autism.

Autism is a thief! Seemingly normal children are robbed of the ability to communicate and effectively interact with the world around them. For reasons yet unknown, a relatively overnight change occurs. An interactive rambunctious child simply withdraws and becomes a silent, solitary person in his/her own world. Oftentimes, communication is non-existent or limited to tantrums. Desperate parents and physicians have been searching for something, anything, to help autistic children come back from the confines of their minds.

In a double-blind study, to avoid any possible bias in the results, two groups of autistic children are studied over an 8 week time period. One half are given a placebo, with the others are given a supplement of Carnosine. Tests were conducted prior to the study to determine each child's baseline activity.

After 8 weeks, new testing is conducted. "The results of this study suggest that supplementation with Carnosine can significantly improve receptive speech, socialization, and behavior with autistic spectrum disorders. These gains are observable both by parents and clinicians blinded to study group, as evidenced by the scores on the Clinical Global Impression" (Carnosine Study Results). Even the slightest improvement for children suffering from autism is a giant leap forward in helping families deal with this life-altering neurological horror.

So far, Carnosine has proven effective in anti-aging studies, neurological problems in the elderly, and autism in the young; however, studies are also being conducted in the benefits of carnosine in a variety of other debilitating diseases.

For example, Carnosine has been tested in relation to controlling blood sugar levels. Preliminary studies show definite potential to help people with diabetes. Although Carnosine's potential is still being tested, the significant implications are very real. Carnosine can possibly help reduce the side effects of diabetes and help regulate the body. This is no minor thing,- it is really an immense potency to help thousands and millions of people to a better, healthier and longer life.

In addition to diabetes, Carnosine eye drops have been developed to assist in clearing up eye infections, healing open wounds, reducing scarring, and so much more. According to the studies so far, the potential benefits of Carnosine seems limitless. In addition, no negative side effects have ever been reported even when large doses have been taken over time.

Carnosine works on the basic cell level to begin the rejuvenation and healing processes. Since the body consists of cells, it is just natural that the entire body is positively influenced by this miracle compound. It is a "universal rasayana",- the scientific answer to the ancient science of health and life extension found in Ayurveda. Rather than a drug to control the symptoms, carnosine works with the body's natural defenses to help protect against the assaults on the body that cause aging and disease. It just strengthens whatever should be strengthened, and neutralize whatever should be neutralized. After all, carnosine naturally occurs in the brain and other parts of the body. So, a supplement simply replaces what time and illness have taken away, helping the body function appropriately for a longer lifespan.

Effects have been seen in MS, ME and other forms of lowered energy levels, heart failure, asthma, cancer, general immunity functions, reflecting in increased resistance to infections, flus and colds, muscular diseases, migraine, and even all the symptoms one experiences the day after a too heavy intake of alcohol. This all means that by taking carnosine orally, one waters the root of the body, and enjoys the fruits on all levels.

Imagine the ability to help the body naturally heal wounds faster, prevent cognitive degeneration, clear up eye infections, regulate diseases like diabetes, and slow the aging process, fight migraine, asthma, low energy syndromes, MS etc etc. Humans can live longer, happier, more productive lives. Carnosine really is the multi-potential healing agent, a modern rasayana that truly deserves this name.

If you want to read more, then click the link;


Chez, Michael G., et al. Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of L-Carnosine Supplementation in Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders. Autism Coach. Dec. 21, 2007 in Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of l-Carnosine Supplementation in Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders.

Mark RJ, Lovell MA, Markesbery WR, et al. A role for 4-hydroxynonenal, an aldehydic product of lipid peroxidation, in disruption of ion homeostasis and neuronal death induced by amyloid beta-peptide. J Neurochem. 1997; 68(1):255-64.

My name is Einar Eskeland. I am a norwegian medical doctor, and a yoga and meditation enthusiast since youth. I promote several high quality sources of knowledge for self improvement, evolution, health and growth as a part of my practice as a doctor, and as a help for my patients in their struggle to regain health and balance.

Here's an interesting article about the Land Rover Discovery. The tame side of Land Rover Defender.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Anti-Aging Acne Skin Care - Start Early for Best Results

When it comes to acne, people between the ages of 10 to 40 are the most likely to be affected. Acne can manifest itself as black and whiteheads, congested pores, pimples, papules, nodules, pustules as well as cysts, roascea or conglobata. If you are a sufferer of acne, the good news is that there are a number of anti aging acne skin care products available that can help you effectively treat this condition. However, you will need to exercise care when using some of these treatments because many of them have side effects, which can be on the negative side and some of which can be extremely serious.

A Number Of Different Options To Take

Taking good care of your skin is very important for both men and women. The skin should be properly moisturized on a regular basis so that any signs of aging will diminish and this can be combined with other various techniques so that the skin is protected against damage from the sun as well. There are so many options out in the marketplace for anti aging acne skin care. However, not all the products are created equal and not all products will provide a satisfactory end result. You should be very selective when it comes to spending your money on all these different products. It's way too easy to spend a ton of money on products that will fail to do the job and in some cases may even make your acne problem worse.

The first thing you should do is to consult with a dermatologist or a skin care expert. Seek their advice on what they feel would be the best anti aging acne skin care solution for you. There are times when the process of removing your acne scars can consume a lot of time because of the fact that there are many types of acne scars. Some of these acne scars that appear on the surface of the skin may prove to be resistant to the current skin care treatment that you are using.

One good option that is very popular is glycolic acid peeks, salicylic acid peels, as well as TCA peels. Dermatologists often recommend these because they worked extremely well not only on acne scars, but also take care of age spots as well as fine wrinkles. Another product that you can try is Bi-phasic peel.

The bottom line is the faster you take action, the better the results will be when it comes to the first signs of acne or aging, as denial will only lead to a worsening of the condition. Using a good anti aging acne skin care treatment will not only help remove and/or reduce wrinkles, but may also have a positive effect on the acne scars since most of the products contain nutrients as well as vitamins. These nutrients and vitamins will help rejuvenate the skin. In addition, if these products also contain Retinol, it's an added bonus because Retinol certainly does have considerable rejuvenating effects on aging skin.

Kerry Ng is a successful Webmaster and publisher of The Anti-aging for Boomers Blog. Click here for more great helpful information about coffee:

Lately, I've said goodbye to ordinary candles and started using Organic Candles. I tell you, you've got to try them too!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Make Your Skin Look And Feel Younger

Wrinkles is part of life, unfortunately and aging is something that none of us can really do anything about but you can start now by trying to make your skin look and feel much younger, also trying to help alleviate wrinkles. When a person does start to get wrinkles on their face, it automatically makes them appear to be much older than what they really are, which is so very depressing and sometimes even devastating for many people. Do not let this happen to you too soon people, try now by using different anti aging products and other remedies to try and look and feel younger and maintain that great looking skin that you have normally had. It is possible to get a great deal of that youthfulness back but do not expect any kind of miracle because if you do, you are really only setting yourself up for a big disappointment, it is not that easy to fight against the aging process, we all grow older, the only other alternative is to not exist right.

So, with that said, get off your couch, forget about feeling old and looking older than you are, do something right now about it! Try different products, see which ones is the most effective, if you continue just putting this off then before you know it you are going to be completely covered in terrifying wrinkles that you will not be able to do anything about. Do not let this happen to you when you are still young, there is no excuse for it. Sometimes getting wrinkles early on in life is simply hereditary but often times it is strictly because a person has abused their minds and bodies, doing nothing to help prevent early wrinkles but instead doing everything to make them show up earlier on in life. Wrinkles are not the end of the world but over a period of time they can begin to look pretty bad and can make you look significantly older than what you really are, which none of us want to be put through. Every morning whenever you wake up, use some type of moisturizer before applying your makeup, and every evening before you decide to go to bed, either use some type of mask or other type of anti aging night cream, that will also help in being successful in treating wrinkles.

Talk to your dermatologist about your concerns over wrinkles also, many times you will find that by being honest and open with them they could possibly have some very awesome suggestions that could truly help you with this fight that you are having, against the aging process and hereditary wrinkles passed on from your parents and grandparents. After you have taken all of the steps in trying to prevent and remove your wrinkles, over a period of time you should start to slowly notice that your young glow is reappearing and you will begin gaining back your confidence that you lost because of wrinkles.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Why The Low GI Diet Could Be One Of The Best Antiaging Diets You Can Use

Are you interested in getting healthier, slowing down aging, and losing weight at the same time?

Well, then you've got to know about a low GI diet!

Every year or so there is a new diet that takes the dieting world by storm. One such diet that seems to be garnering a great deal of media and celebrity attention these days is the low glycemic index diet.

We hear a lot about it but very few understand just how it works or what it takes to make it work. Keep reading to learn the basics of this diet and what it might do for you!

The first thing you should understand is that this isn't your typical crash diet in which you are robbed of important nutrients in order to achieve monumental weight loss achievements in a short amount of time.

The low glycemic index dietary plan is more of a change in the way you look at food, specifically the carbs. You will need to make some lifestyle adjustments in order to pull this diet off successfully. At the same time, one slip will not derail all of your hard work and effort.

So How Does This Diet Work?

Unlike many popular diets there are no tricky food combinations, there is no starvation, and you do not have to feel completely deprived in order to make this diet work.

The goal is to consume foods that rate low on the glycemic index, which will in turn keep your body feeling nourished longer without the ups and downs often found when blood sugar levels fluctuate wildly.

In other words, you aren't as likely to feel hungry immediately following a meal when you are sticking to this dietary plan.

You should definitely keep in mind the fact that you must still pay attention to the foods you are eating even though they may rate lower in the glycemic index. You do not want a diet that consists mainly of fats and salts regardless of where it rates on the scale.

You need a well-balanced diet, which is real simple to accomplish when eating according to the lower end of the glycemic chart.

There are a few high fat, high salt content foods that are on the lower end of the Glycemic Index. You may enjoy them on occasion but it is best to do so in moderation.

Why Does This Diet Work When Others Fail?

One good side effect that seems to be lacking in many other diets, that's present in this one is that because your blood sugar levels are... well, level, and so you feel full longer. This eliminates the binge eating that is associated with many diets.

See what happens with you follow this diet is that the carbs you have are absorbed gradually, so there's no spike in glucose levels in your bloodstream. As a result, there's no spike in insulin and this is good. Why? Because insulin makes you store fat. So low insulin means you can burn fat so much more easily.

The Benefits Of A Low GI Diet?

1. A huge benefit is that it encourages a well-rounded diet that includes fruits and vegetables that are antioxidant rich as well as the whole grains, fiber, and protein our bodies need in order to function properly.

2. You are able to lose weight at a healthy pace (1-2 pounds per week). This is because you don't spike your insulin levels and you're also fuller for longer. The best part is that you are able to do so without the feelings of deprivation and/or constant hunger that are so prevalent in other diets.

3. Your risk of type 2 diabetes is also reduced. This is so important as type 2 diabetes is on the rise in Western society due to high consumption of high GI carbs and lack of exercise.

You can accomplish all this by simply following these tips and keeping watch over the salt and fats that are included in your diet.

So if you want to get healthy, lose weight and feel better all at the same time, then get to know a low GI diet, and you'll reap all these anti aging benefits right away.

Want to get the wrinkle creams that work? Then visit Marcus Ryan's review site on the best rated wrinkle creams for anti aging that are breakthroughs, as well as the best eye wrinkle creams that really work in less than 7 minutes, at Plus get these top wrinkle creams as free trials to prove the results to yourself!

Article Source: Free Ezine Articles

Saturday, December 22, 2007

The Usefullness of Collagen Cream

Collagen cream and other collagen products can be quite useful in maintaining a younger-looking appearance as we get older; by age 40, most of us have lost 30% of our natural collagen. Such products can help us to maintain, replace and compensate for this loss.

The Nature of Collagen

Collagen is a natural form of protein that is quite abundant in all mammals, including humans. It is found throughout our bodies; it's elastic, fibrous structure makes it vital to the proper functioning of connective tissues such as cartilage and ligaments, and it is even present in the bones and teeth.

Without it, our joints become stiff and painful, and our skin begins to sag and we develop wrinkles. Collagen products can help in delaying these visible signs of aging.

Collagen Cream

This term is actually a bit of a misnomer; these molecules are relatively large and complex, and therefore are difficult to absorb through the skin by topical application. It is most effective to take collagen products orally. Capsules release this substance into the bloodstream, where it is able to travel to all parts of the body.

That said, most products that are thought of as "collagen cream" does not actually contain this substance in its original form; rather, it is a scientifically formulated lotion/emollient with ingredients that stimulate the body's own natural production.

Quality Ingredients

These ingredients are primarily derived from natural plant and animal sources in a base of distilled and de-ionized water, which is used in formulations for which the highest levels of purity is necessary. Other ingredients you will find in collagen cream include:

- sesame oil and tocopheryl acetate, important sources of Vitamin E

- ascorbic acid, better known as Vitamin C

- oat flour, which has long been used for cosmetic purposes and is plentiful in rejuvenating anti-oxidants

- serum albumin, a naturally-occurring and necessary type of protein that facilitates the distribution of fluids throughout the body's systems

- retinyl palmitate, a form of Vitamin A that has been scientifically shown to reverse many of the effects of aging.

What about "Soluble Collagen"?

Because it consists of large molecules that are not easily absorbed through the skin, traditionally the only really effective ways of replacing lost collagen directly has been either through taking it internally in a pill or gelatin capsules, or through expensive and often uncomfortable injections.

Recently, there have been collagen products that incorporate a special form derived from the outer skin of certain fish. This protein is naturally present in all animal species; however, the molecules that make up that of fish are substantially smaller than that of mammals such as cattle, pigs and humans, and may be able to be absorbed through the skin though topical application.

Will It Work for Me?

No two people are exactly alike, therefore it cannot be known which collagen products are right for your particular case. However, there is a wide variety of such products available; if in doubt, try a number of different collagen creams to see which one is most effective for you.

Anne Harvester is a beauty professional who has a great deal of knowledge about the many uses for collagen products. In this article, Anne discusses how collagen creams are use and how this collagen product can be beneficial to us as we age.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Anti Aging Eye Cream - Restore Your Youth

English language is full of proverbs which praise the human eye. Ask a man what in a woman makes him go weak in his knees, and his answer would surely be "those intoxicating eyes". Eyes make a person look beautiful. Eyes are important parts of the human body.

The importance of having a pair of eyes can be best understood by a blind man whose can never see the colors of life. When we say that a particular object is beautiful, it simple means that it is beautiful to our eyes. When we see a thing, our eyes transmit the signals to our brain. So the importance of the human eyes cannot be sidelined.

Hence, it is very important to take proper care of our eyes not only to restore their beauty, but also to preserve our vision. Our hectic lifestyles require us to work in front of computers and laptops, which strain our eyes. Moreover, work pressure and excess pollution results in the development dark circle beneath our eyes.

When we advance in age, our bodies undergo a sea change. The efficiency of our internal organs decreases considerably. And if we do not take proper care of our health especially during the early forties, we tend to invite a number of ailments.

Aging can be defined as the organic process of advancing in age. The effects of aging are well known by almost everyone. Our bones become weaker and our eyesight also weakens. But these are all internal effects of the process of aging.

To succeed in life, one needs to look good. There is no denying this fact. Though it is not a prerequisite for getting a job, but in the long run it helps us excel in our careers and win friends. The process of aging results in the development of "crows feet" around our eyes. A crow's foot is a wrinkle formed in the external corner of our eyes. This makes a person look older and ugly.

One can use a good quality anti aging eye cream to check the development of "crows feet". Though there is absolutely no paucity of anti-aging creams in the market, it is advisable to buy only those which have been developed after years of research. A good anti aging eye cream should be soft you your skin and should not produce any side effects.

An eye wrinkle cream helps you to fight aging. You must not expect an overnight result while using an eye wrinkle cream. You must be patient while using an anti aging eye cream. Moreover, you can visit a good skin care expert for the treatment of dark circles and wrinkles around your eyes.

Geoff Hopkins has worked in the face wrinkle cream industry for years. He maintains websites about face wrinkle cream and new wrinkle creams. If you want to contact him, you can use the contact for at one of his sites.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Being Fit More Important Than Being Thin for Survival in the Elderly

An interesting new study in older Americans shows very clearly that those who are the most fit live the longest. Fit fatter people live longer than thin unfit people. Of course, those who are overweight have a tendency to become unfit - a bad combination. It is now also clear that those overweight early in life are more likely to get a variety of diseases. However, these new findings are quite encouraging to those who are consistently exercising in an effort to improve their health, yet may still be struggling with their weight.

We know that bodies are made to be used. We also know that exercise turns on gene signals in muscles that activate numerous systems in the body required for health, including an improved function of cells to make energy. Any person knows that they feel better when their muscles are more fit from activity and exercise. There is now plenty of science to back up this subjective perception - including the new finding that says a fit person will live longer regardless of weight.

It is vital that an older person have the energy and physical ability to exercise. This means that a key use of dietary supplements to promote longevity is to support the production of energy and the rejuvenation of physical structure so that a person can maintain a healthy fitness level for a longer period of time. It also means that any drug that lowers energy, of which there are many in common use, are leading to premature death regardless of the reason they are being given.

To create a renaissance in health care for the elderly most of their drugs need to be thrown in the trash and the money needs to be invested instead in appropriate personal training and exercise programs. A fresh and organic food supply would also help.

For supplements that assist weight management, click here.

For supplements that assist weight management, click here.

For supplements that provide energy and motivation, click here.

Byron J. Richards, Founder/Director of Wellness Resources, is a Board-Certified Clinical Nutritionist and has been a charter professional member of the International and American Associations of Clinical Nutritionists (IAACN) since 1991. He is the author of Mastering Leptin, The Leptin Diet and Fight for Your Health: Exposing the FDA's Betrayal of America. He has been a featured expert consultant on Fox News Live, CBS Infinity television, and The Wall Street Journal.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Best Wrinkle Advice

It Is Time To Start Fighting Against The Aging Process And Prevent So Many Wrinkles From Appearing Too Quickly

Life can be very stressful and stress is one of the leading causes for getting premature wrinkles on your face and neck. Not just that though, getting older and wrinkles kind of goes hand and hand. Although we can not prevent wrinkles from ever occurring, there are many different ways that you can at least begin to help fighting against the whole aging process and do some things that will help to prevent so many wrinkles from appearing way too quickly. I do know that all of us do worry about that from time to time. There are many different websites available over the internet that will offer you free product samples for things such as anti aging creams and different types of moisturizers.

If you could try a few good samples first, before choosing which brand or which type works best for you, then you would be much better off and would not be out nearly as much money either. If you do just go ahead and purchase some of the products for this, that you see advertised all of the time. Then try to perhaps only purchase the smallest available size, just in case it does not provide you with the results that you had anticipated. Some of these products really are amazing and can even work rather quickly, without having to spend your entire paycheck, however, other products out there on the market are not so great and will cost you and arm and a leg just to try it out for a little while. Do not be a victim of early wrinkles, do something today to try and fight this, fight this with everything that you have in you. We all deserve to look and feel great and if we only receive just a slight noticeable difference in our wrinkles. Well then, that is better than nothing right, at least we can recognize that we did do something about it to try and help get rid of them or prevent anymore from arising too quickly.

Many people choose to stop purchasing all of those over the counter products because they just do not get the quickest and most efficient results that they had hoped for. When that happens, many of those same people end up choosing to have laser treatment done to get rid of their wrinkles or to at least reduce the appearance of them quite a bit. These types of treatments are usually not available to just anyone, so before you get excited, you better check into it further. The reason so many people love this type of wrinkle treatment is because it appears to be much safer and much more efficient than any other type of treatment out there. So, good luck with removing and preventing any more of those terrible wrinkles that drive you crazy and remember to take care of your body and the skin that surrounds it!

Nature's Remedy For Wrinkles

All of us try new and different things to try and improve the looks of our skin and our overall appearance and different things work better for different people, that is for certain. Finding out what works best for you is very, very important and the only way to really do that is to try a few things out, to see what you think of the results. Our skin begins to lose its elasticity as we grow older and aging can also speed up due to the way that we live our lives and our surroundings. This is why it is so very important for everyone to understand just how serious the results can be if you are too hard on your body and do not take good enough care of it. When you are younger you should begin to do things and try new things to help benefit all aspects of your overall health and wellness. Something popular now days is this drink called green tea and it actually tastes really, really good, for those of you who have not yet tried it. The amazing thing about drinking green tea is that there are an unbelievable amount of wonderful benefits from it, including the fact that it helps to prevent wrinkles and can help in getting rid of some of the wrinkles or fine lines that you are already having to deal with.

It is not that expensive and can be purchased in most grocery stores or convenient stores and the fact that it taste good sure does help. Some of the great benefits from drinking green tea regularly are things such as, improved skin, reduction of wrinkles, reduction of bad cholesterol. It has been known to reduce cancerous cells and even remission in some cancer patients. It can also actually help to prevent certain types of cancers from taking over your body, which is an enormous and excellent benefit that we should all take note of. Green tea, when consumed several times each day, can also help people that are suffering from different types of arthritis pain because it can help to reduce some of the swelling or inflammation, which causes a great deal of that kind of pain. It can also help to boost your immune system, which will prevent certain illnesses and help to keep you more healthy in the long run. The benefits from drinking green tea are enormous and the fact that it also helps with fighting the free radicals throughout your body is just terrific.

This basically means that you could live a longer, healthier life and those wrinkles that you were so worried about, well, they can disappear and help to prevent any new ones from arriving, which is just fabulous! Do some more research on the great benefits from drinking green tea and even if you do not love the flavor of it, because of it being so wonderful for you, surely you could stand the taste and probably even get used to it, but at least give it a try!

Best Anti Wrinkle Creams

So, you want to know what the best anti wrinkle creams are? I suppose it would depend on what your situation is. Are you looking for an anti aging, anti wrinkle cream, or is it some form of scar therapy that you are concerned with? Are you frustrated with sensitive dry skin and need a good moisturizer that works? Maybe it's the dreaded crows feet, those fine lines and under eye darkness. It could be that it has nothing to do with your face whatsoever, you could be dealing with creeping and striations on your stomach from pregnancy. Or you have just gone through a c-section and are disgusted by the scars.

We all age differently, but the culprits are the same. Starting with biological aging, the natural breakdown of skin cells. This process is pretty much determined by your genetic makeup, so if your parents look good for their age, then you'll likely do the same. Next up is environmental aging, the one factor within your control. This is where your unhealthy habits, such as sunbathing and smoking, leave behind little souvenirs, including dark spots and premature wrinkling. Last, the new buzzword in skin aging is mechanical aging, which refers to the effects of your facial expressions. When you laugh, frown, squint, or scowl, these natural movements, which make your facial muscles work harder, contribute to wrinkling.

Have you had enough? My point is, there are so many different problems and situations that you can be struggling with and there are tons of products out there to address each individual one. Wouldn't it be great if you had one product that dealt with all of the issues above. One product that you can use for the stretch marks on your stomach and the scars of pregnancy to the reduction of crows feet, fine lines and wrinkles on your face. One product whether you are a women, or a man, whether your goal is to look 10 years younger or you just want to see those lines diminish.

There are just too many products out there to chose from. It could be a very expensive cream, or for some people they chose a very expensive painful treatment called Botox. Keep in mind, with Botox, it could take several treatments to see the results you want. Whether it's an anti wrinkle cream therapy or a Botox treatment, there are many side effects that you need to be concerned with. There are the headaches and eyelid drooping caused by Botox, which will eventually go away, and if your pregnant or breastfeeding Botox is not for you. Creams sometimes cause oily skin that results in acne breakouts.

A strange turn of events, in the history of cosmetics, has occurred. Women are putting a stretch-mark cream called StriVectin-SD? on their face to diminish the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and crows feet. If consumer sales are any indication of this product's effectiveness, StriVectin-SD is nothing short of a miracle cream. Women, as well as a growing number of men, are buying so much StriVectin-SD that finding a tube at your local cosmetic counter has become just about impossible. "Who would have thought a stretch-mark cream would turn out to be the anti wrinkle cream breakthrough of the decade!"

I know your skeptical of promises made by manufacturers, but I've searched through many forums and the results of using StriVectin-SD is that fine lines are diminishing, the texture of skin is smoother and pores are more refined. The skin plumps, firms and glows and it clears blemishes and lessens the redness around the eyes. It's best to steam the skin and exfoliate, then pat dry and apply. A tiny bit goes along way. Even if you have dry sensitive skin or acne prone skin, there will not be any breakouts. StriVectin-SD helps give you a youthful, healthy, glowing complexion faster than retinol, far superior to vitamin C, and without irritation, needles, or surgery. So, if you see someone applying an anti-stretch mark cream to their face, don't think they've gone off the deep end, they may be smarter than you think.

My name is Joseph V. Formale and I am the Creator of

Ever since I started this business, way back in 2007, I've always taken pride in the close relationship I have with my customers.

My easy-to-contact philosophy has worked well, so I have no plans to change.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Thermobaric Approach to Longevity

In cell banks around the world, human cells are kept in a state of near immortality. The environments in which these cells exist are at a relative constant of temperature, pressure and a steady supply of nutrients. These cells have an average replication rate of once every three weeks. They have a "life expectancy" of 10,000 replications.

Now do the math: 3 weeks X 10,000 = 30,000 weeks = 576 years

Yet, we are told that our life expectancy is only 80-100 years.

A bit of a contradiction here, or its it?

We do not live in such perfectly controlled environments. Our bodies operate at a range of temperatures that can vary significantly from day to day, activity to activity, mood to mood.

So where the perfect cells are kept in a kind of unchanging stillness, our lives and our bodies are changing and reacting moment by moment.

While we cannot establish a constant state in all our cells, we can reduce the thermodynamic variation to a significant degree and benefit in a healthier and longer life.

To understand what is happening, we need to look at a physics term called "stress". Stress is any fluctuation of heat or pressure. The more rapid or the more extreme the fluctuation, the higher the stress.

Each stress imprints the material that is stressed. Imagine a pair of pants that you have never worn. Now wear them for a long day. Notice how the material has been changed by your form and your movements. After a month or so, the pants that you have worn do not go back to looking like they were new. They have been stressed and imprinted with and by your use of them.

Let's go back to our cell bank where the cells are kept in a near perfect equilibrium. The temperature of the incubators is 37 degrees Celsius.

Now, drop the temperature of the incubator by 2 degrees Fahrenheit or 1 degree Celsius.

The life expectancy doubles . Over 1,000 years.

Is this possible for human beings?

We have some evidence that it is. Methuselah lived to be over 1,000 years old. More..... Roy Waldorf at UCLA experimented with mice. He found that by reducing their food intake to about half of normal, that he could drop their body temperature by about 2 F and thereby double their life expectancy.

But he is certain that human beings will not tolerate living like this.

I believe that he needs to consider those on the planet who are malnourished and in a state of semi-starvation. They do not live twice as long as the well fed. Perhaps it is the range of nutrients, to some degree. Perhaps it is another factor.

The longest living people that we know about live at altitudes above 1500 feet in cool to moderate climates, walk up and down slopes several times daily, eat little or no sugar and few starches, and have primarily water as their fluid intake.

The sacred writings of the Tibetans claim that some have achieved several thousand years of age.

The Himalayan people claim that there are masters alive today who's life has spanned more than 3, 000 years without reincarnations.

Are we to believe that the ancient people who recorded the correct progression of stars and comets for hundreds and thousands of years somehow did not know how to count years when it came to human aging?

Skeptics will likely say that the witnesses were beguiled or duped. Perhaps once, even twice, but for hundreds and thousands of years? For generation upon generation? Could all the witnesses have been misled and mistaken men they knew for twenty or thirty years for a youthful "substitute"?

If we accept the possibility that there have been individuals who have lived 150 years or more, and examine the cultures, climates, diets and philosophies of these individuals, we may find that there are certain principles that reoccur and find ways to adapt these principles to our own lives.

Joan McKenna is a reseach scientist who has specialized in thermodynamic phenomena for thirty years.

She holds the first "life suspension" patents for freezing living materials without damage; she has developed controlled mutation to allow for true genetic adaptation to extreme environments; known for her research in cancer and in optimizing immune competence. Her training in Fire Sciences enabled her to recognize the thermodynamic phenomena that would put out and keep down a hurricane.

For more information on this and other research contact

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Does Strivectin Really Work?

As we grow older, we start noticing wrinkles on our skin, especially in the face, on our forehead and around our mouth. This makes a person look old, and since most people don't like growing old, they want to remove any signs of age from their appearance. There are many treatments and surgeries available today through which one can maintain their skin in such a way that they don't age at all. They don't see loose skin or wrinkles anywhere on their face, which is the only part of the body that others notice and judge you by. Strivectin is one such solution available to people to remove those dreaded wrinkles. It is known to increase collagen I synthesis in our body by about 11% and helps in reducing wrinkles by nearly 60%. A miracle worker is what this cream is for many especially women. Call it an anti aging cream or a vanishing cream; it can be used in either the cream form or as a serum.

By applying Strivectin on the affected area, and massaging it into the skin, we help release all the chemicals in it that begin repairing the skin. Following a routine of applying Strivectin on the wrinkles about twice a day, leaving it on for 5minutes, in less than a month you will see visible changes. Best used on the face and neck region, you need to check with your skin doctor about using Strivectin creams on other parts of your body, as they are not known to be very effective. To cure wrinkles or marks on the hands, we can use Strivectin - HD, which is a hand cream. What was once meant only to remove stretch marks has today helped thousands of people around the world remove wrinkles, and helping them feel young.

Written by Sophia Renaldson. Find the latest information on Strivectin as well as Strivectin SD

The Paradox Of Why No One Wants To Live To Be 140 Years Old

Whenever I ask an audience, "Who wants to live to be at least 60 years old?", they usually unanimously all raise their hands. Then what I do is to gradually increase the age in the question. Like, I might say something like "Ok, great, looks like everyone raised their hands". Then I will rapidly start increasing the age like this, "Ok, how about 70 years old?" and I will pause to scan the audience to see if anyone drops out. Then in rapid fire succession I will ask "Hmmm, 80?,,, 90?,,, How about 100 years old?". Usually some of the audience has dropped out by now. But what is very fascinating is that by the time I get up to the question "Who wants to live to be 140 years old?", rarely does anyone raise their hand to say yes.

It's kind of a paradox at first. I mean think about it, everyone has this strong survival instinct inside of us that tells us to do whatever it takes to survive and stay alive. It is the same instinct that triggers the "fight or flight" instinct. It is the same thing that keeps us from committing suicide and I guess it is also the little voice in our head telling us to exercise in the morning and what not.

To illustrate the instinct, I tell the audience that I have a great plan; that I wanted to have everyone here walk outside with me and we will all pile in my SUV. Then, I tell them that the plan is this: we are going to get it up to about 130 miles per hour, we are going to run all of the stop lights, and then we are going to make our way to the freeway and go down the wrong side of the freeway until we get into a fiery head on collision. Then I ask, "Who here would sign up for that field trip?"

Obviously, everyone declines my invitation.

So, HERE'S THE PARADOX, everyone will do whatever it takes to stay alive, but yet at the same time, nobody wants to live to be 140 years old. And I then explain to them that guys like Sigmund Freud, or even motivational speakers like Anthony Robbins all state that there are just TWO reasons why we do anything, and I literally mean anything. It's referred to as the "Pleasure Principle". In a nutshell, the first reason why we do anything is for the GAIN OF PLEASURE. We love pleasure. I mean, why do you think it is that we eat that triple scoop ice cream cone even though we know that it may not be the best for our waist line? That's right, to gain pleasure.

Think of little kids, when you ask them if they want to do something. You see them running the scenario through their brain trying to determine if it is going to be "fun" or not. And then if they think it will be fun, they will say yes. And if they think it will be boring, they will quickly say no.

Well, I said there were two reasons and the 2nd reason why we do something is to AVOID PAIN. Actually, what is interesting to note is that many researchers have shown time in and time out, that avoiding pain is actually a stronger motivator than gaining pleasure is. In fact, it is estimated that avoiding pain is 2 to 3 times stronger of a motivator than it is to gain pleasure.

So, the answer comes down to our paradigms. Most of us seem to have this paradigm, which is an inherited idea derived from experience, that is unconsciously telling us that there will be more PAIN associated with living to be 140 than the PLEASURE that we will derive from it.

Then I ask the audience, "So, what's up with all this pain that we unconsciously associate with old age? I mean think about it, we are in an information age. You know, we've got computers, TV, the internet, movies, newspapers, and we are bombarded with news reports about such ailments as arthritis, Alzheimer's disease, dementia, hip replacements, cancer, high blood pressure, strokes, heart disease, diabetes, Parkinson's disease, osteoporosis, and the list goes on. Besides the media, since many people are living longer, we are getting more 1st hand eye witnessing of these too. I mean back in the middle ages, the average life span was not much more than 25 years old. Now, it's pushing, what, 80 or so. But now we are surrounded by a lot more old people, and I think it might just be that we hear so many of them complain. In fact, I don't think I can count on both hands how many times older people have told me to "cherish my youth" and to "never get old".

"Basically, the bottom line is this, and you yourselves proved it by your answers to not wanting to live to be 140 years old, most normal people equate old age to PAIN.

So, like I brought up in the 130 mph car field trip, there is a very super strong innate instinct inside all of us to stay alive. It's the thing that causes the fight or flight mechanism to go off inside us. It prevents most of us to not commit suicide or to not put ourselves in unreasonable risks.

BUT, sometimes, there are outside forces that are greater than this very powerful instinct. And again, there is nothing else to explain it other than that the vast majority of the population equates old age to pain. And that fear of pain is so strong that it can literally cancel out the hugely powerful instinct to stay alive. Isn't that incredible?

So, to illustrate my point, let me re-ask the question again, but phrase it a little differently. How many of you would want to live to be 140 if I could guarantee you 3 big things. First off that you will be 100% free of pain, or any serious ailment. Sure, you might still get the occasional cold every once and a while, but that you would be free of any serious ailment. This promise of health would also include that you would be of complete sound mind, and have no dementia, or memory loss or anything worse than what you currently have now. Besides that, what if I could guarantee the 2nd thing, wealth? So much wealth that would have enough money in your bank account to live the life style that you desire. And lastly, what if I could guarantee you the 3rd thing, that you would be happy, perhaps even happier than you are now?

If I could guarantee you all these 3 things, who here, now, would want to live to be 140 years old?"

What is interesting is most everyone raise there hands. For those that don't, I say "to those few of you out there that didn't raise your hand, let me sweeten the pot, in addition to Health, Wealth, and Happiness, what if included a guarantee that the world will still be a place that you want to live in? That we aren't living in a post nuclear holocaust or anything like that. So, again, who here, that previously said no to living to be 140, would be willing to raise their hand?

And so far to date, everyone has raised their hands and said they indeed would want to live to be at least 140.

Then I tell them that reason I've gone off on this tangent is that I have something very exciting that I want to share with them. And the reason why I am excited about it is many fold. But the first reason is that I think I have found a way to inch them closer to being able to get to that 140 and still have at least 3 of those 4 promises in place. The 3 that this opportunity can help with is being Healthy, Happy, and Wealthy, however, the promise about the world still being a nice place to live in is somewhat outside of our control.

Again, I didn't say I'd get you to 140, but I really believe that I found something that will help, me personally, to get closer to that goal that I have of living to be at least 140 and still being healthy, wealthy, and happy.

Here's the thing, as I continue to read medical research, I keep coming to the conclusion that a lot of the bad, ugly stuff we face in the future as we get older, like cancer, heart disease, strokes, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, strokes, and etc. ALL appear to start off with a single common link.

What is that link you ask?

It is the oxidation of the cells turning into free radicals.

That's it; Free Radicals. Because we breathe air, there is simply no avoiding the production of free radicals. Now, perhaps many of you are asking yourself, what exactly is a free radical? And until I started doing my extensive research, I too had the same question.

Free radicals are highly reactive and unstable molecules that lack an electron. So, because they lack an electron, it leaves them unbalanced and in a positively charged state. Because they are unbalanced, they will do whatever it takes to gain back the missing electron. When free radicals come into contact with other cells, they try to steal the electrons they need, which causes oxidation damage and in return creates even more free radicals in their wake. When cells are attacked by free radicals, the excess oxidation can damage or kill the cells. And if the previously healthy cell doesn't die off, it too can become a free radical itself. It's a really destructive process, and it is kind of like a snowball effect because free radicals can actually start a chain reaction of even more free radicals being formed.

Free radicals have been strongly implicated in such bad pathological conditions as heart disease, premature aging, respiratory problems, and cancer. It is reported that the massive cellular damage caused by free radicals can be responsible for causing or accelerating many diseases. You see, when the body is in a normal healthy state, the formation and destruction of cells is normally balanced. But, during aging process and when pathological conditions are present, the formation of free radicals markedly increases and cell destruction tends to dominate.

But here is the good news. Antioxidants are the things that can combat free radicals. You see antioxidants are cells that have spare negative electrons that will gladly give them to the many free radicals that are in pursuit of them. So, the antioxidants act as a neutralizer that cures the free radical of it destructive pursuits.

I then tell them about the joke that Dr. David Simon, a co-founder with Dr. Deepak Chopra of the Chopra Center for Wellbeing?, told us the other day in our pre-launch kick off for Zrii? at the Navy Pier Ballroom in Chicago. He said something like this: "one day, two molecules bumped into each other. The other one noticed that his old friend no longer looked normal and that he was obviously troubled by something.

Concerned, the friend asked, is everything ok? The troubled molecule said, ummm, I think I am missing an electron. The other friend said, hmm, wow, that's not good, are you sure? The other molecule said, "Yes, I'm positive".

Ok, so maybe it wasn't all that funny, but I chuckled at it.

Ok, so back to the reason why I am so very excited, and it revolves around a single fruit, that is about the size of a golf ball. This fruit is called Amalaki and it is a very unique fruit indeed. It grows on a tree at about 5000 feet in elevation at the base of the Himalayas.

The Amalaki fruit has a very long recorded history. It dates back over 5000 years where we see them talking about it in old Sanskrit texts in India. In India, they have a holistic medical system called Ayurveda. In Ayurveda there are about 10,000+ herbs and plants and fruits and vegetables that make up a healing system for them. And out of the 10,000+ components, Amalaki seems to be one of the top 10 most important ingredients in the system.

Amalaki is so essential to their system, that they even have a holiday in November, that falls on the first full moon, where everyone goes out to an Amalaki tree and have a picnic underneath it to give gratitude to it for all that it does for them.

To put it in perspective, most of us know what vitamin C is. And here in the Western world, I think that the first thing we think of when we say vitamin C is that we think about Oranges. Well, the Amalaki fruit is considered by many to being the most potent source of vitamin C on the planet. This small fruit has so much vitamin C in it that it reportedly has 20 times more vitamin C in it than what you would find in a large orange. Well, one thing you have to understand is that Vitamin C, amongst other things, is a powerful antioxidant.

Almost two years ago, Bill Farley met up with the Chopra Center for Wellbeing. The Chopra Center for Wellbeing is the company that was co-founded by Dr. Deepak Chopra and Dr. David Simon. Bill Farley told them that he was searching for a new or unique fruit or botanical that he could create a product around. He asked the Chopra Center if they knew of any fruit or botanical that had special or unique properties that hadn't yet been successfully brought to the marketplace. That is when they got excited and revealed to Bill Farley about all the immensely important benefits of the Amalaki Fruit. At the same time, they told Bill Farley about why it has previously been so difficult to bring the product to the market. You know, stuff like it is a very fibrous fruit, or that the taste is very strong in so far as that it contains five of the six essential tastes (rasas); Sour, Sweet, Bitter, Pungent, and Astringent. The only taste that it is missing is that of Salty. Because of these and other challenges, it makes it difficult to eat these fruits raw.

On that very day, industrious Bill Farley, who has already created such billion dollar brands as Fruit of the Loom, BVD, Jordache Jeans, Dingo, Gitano, Christian Dior, Acme Boots, Dan Post Boots, Luchesse, and etc, walked away from that meeting with a challenge; how can I bring this wondrous fruit to the marketplace in a form that is very desirable for the consumer? Bill Farley answered the challenge by bringing together a top notch talented team scientists, experts, doctors, and formulators to figure out how to come up with a functional liquid nutritional beverage that not only tastes great but finds itself in a league of its own.

So the reason why I am so excited is that I am now part of a company that has succeeded in coming up with a break through juice. Again, up until now, no one had anyone ever been able to incorporate the Amalaki fruit into a liquid nutritional. And Bill Farley, with his extremely talented formulation team were able to come up with a drink that incorporated the special Amalaki fruit. And that juice is called Zrii?.

Not only does ZRII revolve around the Amalaki Fruit, but it synergistically blend with 6 other herbs and fruits. More importantly, it contains:

Turmeric (root) - improves circulation, digestion, it's an antiseptic, slows some cancers, treats psoriasis, and reduces inflammation

Tulsi (leaf) - improves digestion and intestinal health. Used to treat malaria, heart diseases, stomach ailments, headaches, and colds.

Schizandra (fruit) - enhances mental function and memory; it's an excellent 'brain tonic'

Jujube (fruit) - calms the nerves and serves as a mild rejuvenative

Haritaki (fruit) - serves as a mild-detoxifying agent, nourishes kidney, heart, and liver tissues

Ginger (root)- improves digestion, absorption, and assimilation and lowers cholesterol.

Zrii is a powerful Sanskrit word that means "light, luster, splendor, beauty, good fortune, prosperity, and wealth". Zrii also refers to a Hindu goddess of wealth and auspiciousness. According to the Charaka Samhita, widely considered one of the oldest and most sacred texts in all of Ayurveda, Amalaki and this Goddess are intertwined. Translated directly from the original Sanskrit in the Charaka Samhita, we read:

"One can live for as many thousands of years with youth regained, depending on how many Amalaki fruits he takes through this process. By taking these fruits to the full of his capacity, he becomes brilliant, like the gods. Of their own accord, Sri (Zrii), the Goddess of auspiciousness, the vedas (knowledge) and vak (excellent speech) attend on him in their godly forms."

Now I am not going to say that drinking 1 to 3 ounces of this a day will be the cure all. And I am not saying that Zrii will cure anything. I think we all understand to get the most out of our bodies, we must combine a healthy and active lifestyle with proper nutrition if we want to combat this health crisis.

I tell the audience that it actually was exciting that very few wanted to live to be 140, because now I know that I have something that will help most of them.

The way I see it, the modern American diet is a deadly cocktail suited for the onset of many diseases, especially that of heart disease. Whether it is that most of us eat too much or the fact that most of the foods that we do eat nowadays are too fatty, sugar-laden or simply just full of useless simple carbohydrates.

What's just as bad is that even when we do eat healthy foods, we don't derive as much benefit from them nowadays as we once did. You see, nowadays, on account of soil depletion and synthetic fertilization, today's fruits and vegetables contain far less nutrition in them than what they contained even just 60 years ago.

Take heart disease as an example. According to the article "The Heart of the Matter" from the November 2007 issue of "Breakthroughs in Health", heart disease is now thought to be caused by "the accumulation of cholesterol and fatty plaques on the inner walls of the arteries that supply the heart muscle. Heart attacks and chest pain are the symptoms of this disease and occur when the heart muscle does not receive enough blood flow. Experts now believe that inflammation, fatty foods, poor nutrition, toxins, and FREE RADICALS are at the root of this fatty buildup. Impurities and free radicals attack healthy tissues in the arteries and cause serious damage, which the body attempts to repair by coating damaged tissues in a protective layer of fatty cholesterol deposits. This cycle of damage and repair results in the build up of fatty plaques that clot blood vessels and restrict normal blood flow."

The magazine goes on to say that "Stroke is cause by a similar process in the arteries of the brain. Those fatty plaques or blood clots break apart and become lodged in the brain, blocking blood flow and causing often irreparable brain damage."

It seems that high blood pressure is a warning sign of heart problems. It is high because of all the restricted blood flow, which creates a higher pressure if you will. By cleansing the blood and keeping the cells healthy, you prevent the kind of damage that leads to the buildup of fatty plaques.

Well, the good news again is that Zrii is loaded with nutrients and anti-oxidants. And if what they say about antioxidants are true, then it seems that a regiment of an antioxidant rich liquid nutritional beverage should be able to help avoid all that cellular damage that starts the fatty build up of plaque. Remember, antioxidants have remarkable free radical scavenging abilities.

Think of it this way. Your body can heal itself. If you don't believe me, think about every time you get cut. When god made us, or if you don't believe in god, then however it is that we came about upon this planet, one thing is certain; the only way we could survive as a species was to not require a mechanic to keep us up. Did the cavemen have doctors or hospitals they could go to? No, they had to rely on their body to heal itself.

Now with doctors, and hospitals, and technology, and advanced pharmaceuticals, we can basically cheat death.

It's like a car. If you wreck it, you can take it to the body shop and they will straighten it out, and make it "look" good. But that metal will always be weak there. If you hit it again, it will make it even weaker.

So, sure, we can cheat death by taking drugs and getting artificial organs and what not, but why not do it another way? Why not keep our original body as healthy as possible. Let's not weaken the body so that the doctor can come in and make us look good. Rather let's stay good.

With all the amazing benefits that that the Amalaki fruit has, it is no wonder that throughout history has been referred to as the mother, or the nurse or the great rejuvenator. So, without boring you on any more of the health benefits of the juice, I think we will all agree that it is definitely worth looking into.

Ok, so I will step down from my soap box now. Obviously, I am very excited about this product Zrii, the Original Amalaki?, and for very good reasons. I haven't even mentioned perhaps even the best part about this company; you can become incredibly wealthy in your pursuit of sharing this incredible juice with others.

Imagine that, not only will you help your fellow man improve their health, but the company will reward you handsomely at the same time. And for me, I can't think of anything cooler than that!!!

Remember, I am just an email or a phone call away. I personally am sold on the long term benefits of taking Zrii as a supplement to provide me with all the anti-oxidants that I need.

Douglas Schwartz is an Independent Executive with Zrii LLC. Zrii and The Original Amalaki are registered trademarks of Zrii LLC. The Chopra Center is a registered trademark of the Chopra Center for Wellbeing. Douglas is a successful entrepreneur that as founder and president has made his companies millions of dollars in just the past few years. Douglas can be reached at and you can visit his website at

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Anti Aging Skin Care

As we grow older, our body undergoes a multitude of changes. The same happens to our skin. With age our skin's natural ability to renew itself slows down, it's ability to hold moisture decreases, and there are changes in its collagen and melanin level. All these changes coupled with harmful UV rays from the sun, air pollution, and lack of proper diet and exercise can make our skin look older. Anti aging skin care will help in keeping our skin youthful and fresh for a long time if not forever.

Aging is caused by a combination of internal and external factors. The internal factor is usually inherited and is called genetic aging. People prone to genetic aging start showing signs of aging around their mid 30's.The other type of aging is caused due to external factors such as pollution, exposure to sun, stress and smoking. This type of aging can start even when the person is in his/her early 20's.

The fine lines and wrinkles that appear near the eyes, forehead or lips are the most commonly known signs of aging. There are seven signs of skin aging which are broadly identified as: Fine lines and wrinkles, sagging skin, uneven skin tone, appearance of pores, age spots, dull skin and dryness. Anti aging skin care routine should be designed to combat these 7 signs of skin aging.

Some of these signs of aging can start as early as 25 years. Science has come to our aid to help us fight aging. We always knew that eating those veggies and fruits loaded with anti-oxidants and vitamins was good for skin. Anti aging skin care products are a combination of anti-oxidants and vitamin B3. Anti-oxidant Vitamin E, along with Vitamin B3 and Pro-Vitamin B5 helps to reduce skin damage induced by free radicals generated from the environmental stress and sun exposure. Vitamin B3 helps maintain collagen production, stimulate skin renewal and evens out melanin production. Together these ingredients help fight 7 signs of aging.

One need not be happy with just soft smooth skin. With proper diet, exercise and care one can possess a softer, smoother and firmer skin. Regular skin care routine will visibly reduce the fine lines and wrinkles.

While normal aging cannot be stopped completely, it can be slowed down to a great extent with proper skin care. With repeated sun exposure, the skin loses its ability to repair itself. Also the damage keeps accumulating over time and unprotected skin exposure should be avoided completely. Lack of exercise can also contribute to aging skin. Keeping stress and frown lines to a minimum and having bright smile and lots of energy can make one look younger at any age. Exposure to cold winds can also make skin dry and accelerate the aging process. Aging skin needs ample moisturizing.

Sleeping sufficiently can also make dark circles and bags disappear from around the eyes. Although there are different kinds of treatments, procedures and surgery that can assist in improving the look of your skin, it is important that you look after your skin from a very early age. A better approach to keeping your skin at its best is to drink plenty of water and use a moisturizer daily, get enough sleep and exercise regularly. That is the best anti aging skin care easily affordable to all of us anytime.Moreover it has no side effects and the results are slow to show but sure to achieve.

The Author, Mary Rose has authored several books including books related to Beauty and Fashion.For more information log on to

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Steps To A Natural Face Lift

Interested in delaying the age off your face? Want to look beautiful and desirable even in your 60s? You can do so by giving your face a face lift. It always helps if you do facial exercises at any age in your life.You can retain your youth, your vigor and your beauty by giving a natural face lift. Here is how you can banish crow's feet, wrinkles and other signs of old age and start looking beautiful, sexy and vibrant with a natural face lift:

Shut your eyes. Though best done lying down, it can be done in any position as long as one is completely relaxed. Move your mental awareness to each part of the face, starting from the neck upwards. The awareness must be complete (visualise and mentally feel the part). The pace of awareness must be crisp. While moving your attention, say: "Front of neck, back of neck, chin, upper lip, lower lip, palate, upper jaw, lower jaw, tongue, throat, nostrils, right nostril and left nostril," and so on, taking each specific part into account. Part of an ancient yogic meditation called nyasa (renamed yoga nidra), is popular as progressive body awareness. This is a good work for your face, the natural way...

Let's face it
Skin therapists warn that preventive face care should start as early as 16! This leaves most of us seriously behind. True even for those of us investing time and money on this most crucial and visible part of our body. Start today before it's late. This is easily one of the best ways to get a natural face lift.

Soothe the eyes
Place three of the middle fingers under the eye. Apply gentle pressure downward. At the same time close eyes to provide resistance. This exercises the muscles under the eyes. Do thrice. Place ring finger and middle finger of each hand at the corner of your eyes. The extremely gentle finger pressure should be upwards, towards the hairline. Shut eyes provide counter pressure. Repeat thrice. Soothes away wrinkles around the eyes. Sit straight with your eyes closed and relaxed. Keep your eyes closed while lifting your eyebrows and stretching your eyelids down as far as possible. Keep the position for 10 counts and repeat 10 times. It removes crows feet and keep your face glowing naturally

Say cheeks
Place each thumb on the middle of each cheek. As this pushes the cheek inside, resist by moving cheek back to thumb. This firms up cheeks.

Lip liner
Move your lips into a puckered kiss and while relaxing the kiss, keep the lips locked and curl lips into your mouth across your teeth. Hold for 10 counts and relax. Repeat 10 times.

Bust double chin
Sit up right, tilt your head back, looking at the ceiling, while keeping your lips locked and relaxed. Next, move your lower lip over your top lip as far as possible and keep it stretched for a count of 10. Relax and repeat 10 times. (If suffering from neck pain, all movements involving neck must be done only in a phased manner, under expert guidance.) Initially don't tilt back too much. You may reach deeper with practice.

Neck line
Tilt head forward. Place palm of right hand on back of neck. Push head back, at the same time resisting with hand. Release pressure. Repeat four times. Repeat with the other hand. This exercise works out the most neglected war-zone of aging, our neck. Lie on your bed with your head hanging over the edge. Slowly bring your head up towards your torso and keep it there for 10 counts. Relax and lower your head towards the floor. Repeat 10 times.

Firm up the jaws
Close your mouth and clench you teeth firmly. Open your mouth to release pressure. Close and clench again. Do 10 times. This prevents sagging jowls.

V.S.ARUNRAJ believes health is truly our wealth and an investment in our health can lead us to live a fulfilling rewarding life mentally and physically. To learn about the secrets to great health for both men and women, Visit the dining room

Look 10 Years Younger in 60 Minutes - Is it Possible?

Christmas and new year are just round the corner, how you wish that you could look 10 years younger. Have you ever want to reduce the appearance of wrinkles ? Better still no needles or painful injections. Visible results after one treatment.

A revolutionary new skin care system that utilizes gentle, patented Lifting Spheres. Featured in the Instant Lifting Cr?, Lifting Spheres act quickly (almost instantly!) to smooth and soften skin, revealing a younger-looking you.

Clinical tests on this product's active ingredients illustrate just how effective this revolutionary formula is:

168% Boost in natural collagen production.

57% Decrease in the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

55% Increase in skin firmness.

51% Increase in skin hydration.

Individually, The Instant Lifting Cr? and the Skin Renewal Complex use the latest technologies to deliver results you can see AND feel. Working together they re-energize your skin, delivering both instant and enduring beauty.

Patented Lifting Spheres? penetrate your wrinkles via our QuSome Delivery System.

This gentle renewing formula increases your body?s own natural collagen production while operating at your skin?s pH level with Glucosamine Complex.

This gentle renewing formula contains the active ingredient Glucosamine Complex, which operates at an ideal pH level - hydrating your skin and increasing your body?s own natural collagen production. This combination minimizes irritations and sensitive reactions, resulting in a hydrated, even-toned appearance that lasts.

Sunscreen is especially recommended, since sun damage is one of the leading causes of wrinkles and fine lines. It is our recommendation, however, to try the product alone for a few days to see if your current lotion or cream is still needed. If you do find you prefer more moisturizing, feel free to pair your favorite products with this product for a well-balanced skin regimen.

With your first application you?ll see visible changes in your skin - an immediate improvement of fine lines and wrinkles, as well as a dewy glow. The effects from the Anti-Aging Complex become more visible with every application, but will likely appear within the first week of daily use.

No skin care treatment can permanently erase skin damage caused by wind, harsh weather and the sun?s harmful UV rays. But this product can help restore the youthful glow you thought you?d lost forever. Simply incorporate this product into your daily skin care regime.

A natural, hypoallergenic beauty skin treatment program. Unlike traditional AHAs, which can irritate your face?s delicate skin, Glucosamine Complex operates at your skin?s own pH level. As such, this dermatologist-tested regimen is safe for all skin types.

We cannot reverse the time clock but we can lead a better and happier life.

Frankie Goh is a family counselor and researcher. He manage a website: Earn Money Online

He is also the Internet Marketing Co-coordinator of - Herbal Products & Dermitage Wrinkles-Free Program.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Vitamin C- A Powerful Anti-Aging Skin Agent

Here is a question for you the reader, what do pineapple, ripe strawberries, oranges, and Shea butter have in common? They are all filled with an ingredient that can take years off your look and appearance. What is that? Vitamin C. The stuff that we take for granted because it is packed into a container and a staple in health food stores was one of the unknown substances when it came to banishing fine lines and wrinkles. It has now been established that vitamin C, especially found in Shea butter, in its proper form can restore a smooth surface and a youthful glow to aging skin. Here is the scoop on Vitamin C.

Vitamin C is an anti-oxidant. An Anti-oxidant is a substance that vanquishes free radicals. Free radicals are those vicious little molecule monsters that irreparably damage our cells and accelerate the aging process. What makes Vitamin C so wonderful? The heart of Vitamin C is its restorative and healing powers in the form of its anti-oxidant properties. Here are at-least three roles where this Vitamin A plays in our health.

First, Vitamin C boosts our immune system. Vitamin C strenghtnes the white blood cells of our body, which is our chief defense against invasion by bacteria and viruses. According to one Nobel-Prize winning scientist, supplemental Vitamin C could work wonders on the immune function. Research even suggests that people do not get enough Vitamin C are far more vulnerable to a variety of infections and illnesses from colds to even cancer.

Secondly, Vitamin C helps to give us energy. It also aids in the productions of other crucial body chemicals. One of these, called L-carnitine, is essential in producing energy. L-carnitine moves fats into the mitochondria where the fats are converted to energy. A Vitamin C deficiency can cause cell levels of L-carnitine levels to drop significantly, making it harder for cells to oxidize fats to create energy.

Third, Vitamin C is necessary to the nervous system. Vitamin C also helps produce neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are the brain chemicals that help the nerves in the central nervous system (which guide the brain) and the nerves in the peripheral nervous system, which is the system responsible for directing muscle movement) communicate. Without the ability of the central and peripheral nervous systems to communicate, we could not think clearly or move our bodies. The amazing powers of restoration of Vitamin C extend to the skin, including aging skin. Here is how this is done.

Vitamin C is essential for the production of collagen. Collagen is the strong connective tissue that holds our skin together. Without collagen, our skin would fall apart because protein again holds our skin together, attaches our muscles to our bones and keeps our organs and skin in place. Where does Vitamin C work its miraculous wonders for the skin? It does this when healing inflammations of the skin. Here is the science behind it.

Scientists have made two important discoveries regarding Vitamin C. First, Vitamin C hinders the production of a chemical known as arachidonic acid. This acid causes inflammation. Secondly, Vitamin C actually converts the arachidonic acid from a pre-inflammatory chemical into a group of les harmful substances. Here is what is so dangerous about arachidonic acid.

About The Author

Joseph Constant is the founder of A.R. Skincare, a company devoted to community awareness of natural products using Premium Grade A Shea Butter. Please visit to keep up to date with health and skincare tips. Also visit

Anti Aging Info

How to look younger - all about anti aging
A complete anti aging blog - packed full of anti aging tips, treatments and techniques to help you look younger and feel fantastic - whatever your age.
Find information on how to prevent and repair anti-aging and wrinkles. Complete Anti-Aging-Guide -- Your plan to stay young. INTERNATIONAL ANTI-AGING RESOURCES.