Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Paradox Of Why No One Wants To Live To Be 140 Years Old

Whenever I ask an audience, "Who wants to live to be at least 60 years old?", they usually unanimously all raise their hands. Then what I do is to gradually increase the age in the question. Like, I might say something like "Ok, great, looks like everyone raised their hands". Then I will rapidly start increasing the age like this, "Ok, how about 70 years old?" and I will pause to scan the audience to see if anyone drops out. Then in rapid fire succession I will ask "Hmmm, 80?,,, 90?,,, How about 100 years old?". Usually some of the audience has dropped out by now. But what is very fascinating is that by the time I get up to the question "Who wants to live to be 140 years old?", rarely does anyone raise their hand to say yes.

It's kind of a paradox at first. I mean think about it, everyone has this strong survival instinct inside of us that tells us to do whatever it takes to survive and stay alive. It is the same instinct that triggers the "fight or flight" instinct. It is the same thing that keeps us from committing suicide and I guess it is also the little voice in our head telling us to exercise in the morning and what not.

To illustrate the instinct, I tell the audience that I have a great plan; that I wanted to have everyone here walk outside with me and we will all pile in my SUV. Then, I tell them that the plan is this: we are going to get it up to about 130 miles per hour, we are going to run all of the stop lights, and then we are going to make our way to the freeway and go down the wrong side of the freeway until we get into a fiery head on collision. Then I ask, "Who here would sign up for that field trip?"

Obviously, everyone declines my invitation.

So, HERE'S THE PARADOX, everyone will do whatever it takes to stay alive, but yet at the same time, nobody wants to live to be 140 years old. And I then explain to them that guys like Sigmund Freud, or even motivational speakers like Anthony Robbins all state that there are just TWO reasons why we do anything, and I literally mean anything. It's referred to as the "Pleasure Principle". In a nutshell, the first reason why we do anything is for the GAIN OF PLEASURE. We love pleasure. I mean, why do you think it is that we eat that triple scoop ice cream cone even though we know that it may not be the best for our waist line? That's right, to gain pleasure.

Think of little kids, when you ask them if they want to do something. You see them running the scenario through their brain trying to determine if it is going to be "fun" or not. And then if they think it will be fun, they will say yes. And if they think it will be boring, they will quickly say no.

Well, I said there were two reasons and the 2nd reason why we do something is to AVOID PAIN. Actually, what is interesting to note is that many researchers have shown time in and time out, that avoiding pain is actually a stronger motivator than gaining pleasure is. In fact, it is estimated that avoiding pain is 2 to 3 times stronger of a motivator than it is to gain pleasure.

So, the answer comes down to our paradigms. Most of us seem to have this paradigm, which is an inherited idea derived from experience, that is unconsciously telling us that there will be more PAIN associated with living to be 140 than the PLEASURE that we will derive from it.

Then I ask the audience, "So, what's up with all this pain that we unconsciously associate with old age? I mean think about it, we are in an information age. You know, we've got computers, TV, the internet, movies, newspapers, and we are bombarded with news reports about such ailments as arthritis, Alzheimer's disease, dementia, hip replacements, cancer, high blood pressure, strokes, heart disease, diabetes, Parkinson's disease, osteoporosis, and the list goes on. Besides the media, since many people are living longer, we are getting more 1st hand eye witnessing of these too. I mean back in the middle ages, the average life span was not much more than 25 years old. Now, it's pushing, what, 80 or so. But now we are surrounded by a lot more old people, and I think it might just be that we hear so many of them complain. In fact, I don't think I can count on both hands how many times older people have told me to "cherish my youth" and to "never get old".

"Basically, the bottom line is this, and you yourselves proved it by your answers to not wanting to live to be 140 years old, most normal people equate old age to PAIN.

So, like I brought up in the 130 mph car field trip, there is a very super strong innate instinct inside all of us to stay alive. It's the thing that causes the fight or flight mechanism to go off inside us. It prevents most of us to not commit suicide or to not put ourselves in unreasonable risks.

BUT, sometimes, there are outside forces that are greater than this very powerful instinct. And again, there is nothing else to explain it other than that the vast majority of the population equates old age to pain. And that fear of pain is so strong that it can literally cancel out the hugely powerful instinct to stay alive. Isn't that incredible?

So, to illustrate my point, let me re-ask the question again, but phrase it a little differently. How many of you would want to live to be 140 if I could guarantee you 3 big things. First off that you will be 100% free of pain, or any serious ailment. Sure, you might still get the occasional cold every once and a while, but that you would be free of any serious ailment. This promise of health would also include that you would be of complete sound mind, and have no dementia, or memory loss or anything worse than what you currently have now. Besides that, what if I could guarantee the 2nd thing, wealth? So much wealth that would have enough money in your bank account to live the life style that you desire. And lastly, what if I could guarantee you the 3rd thing, that you would be happy, perhaps even happier than you are now?

If I could guarantee you all these 3 things, who here, now, would want to live to be 140 years old?"

What is interesting is most everyone raise there hands. For those that don't, I say "to those few of you out there that didn't raise your hand, let me sweeten the pot, in addition to Health, Wealth, and Happiness, what if included a guarantee that the world will still be a place that you want to live in? That we aren't living in a post nuclear holocaust or anything like that. So, again, who here, that previously said no to living to be 140, would be willing to raise their hand?

And so far to date, everyone has raised their hands and said they indeed would want to live to be at least 140.

Then I tell them that reason I've gone off on this tangent is that I have something very exciting that I want to share with them. And the reason why I am excited about it is many fold. But the first reason is that I think I have found a way to inch them closer to being able to get to that 140 and still have at least 3 of those 4 promises in place. The 3 that this opportunity can help with is being Healthy, Happy, and Wealthy, however, the promise about the world still being a nice place to live in is somewhat outside of our control.

Again, I didn't say I'd get you to 140, but I really believe that I found something that will help, me personally, to get closer to that goal that I have of living to be at least 140 and still being healthy, wealthy, and happy.

Here's the thing, as I continue to read medical research, I keep coming to the conclusion that a lot of the bad, ugly stuff we face in the future as we get older, like cancer, heart disease, strokes, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, strokes, and etc. ALL appear to start off with a single common link.

What is that link you ask?

It is the oxidation of the cells turning into free radicals.

That's it; Free Radicals. Because we breathe air, there is simply no avoiding the production of free radicals. Now, perhaps many of you are asking yourself, what exactly is a free radical? And until I started doing my extensive research, I too had the same question.

Free radicals are highly reactive and unstable molecules that lack an electron. So, because they lack an electron, it leaves them unbalanced and in a positively charged state. Because they are unbalanced, they will do whatever it takes to gain back the missing electron. When free radicals come into contact with other cells, they try to steal the electrons they need, which causes oxidation damage and in return creates even more free radicals in their wake. When cells are attacked by free radicals, the excess oxidation can damage or kill the cells. And if the previously healthy cell doesn't die off, it too can become a free radical itself. It's a really destructive process, and it is kind of like a snowball effect because free radicals can actually start a chain reaction of even more free radicals being formed.

Free radicals have been strongly implicated in such bad pathological conditions as heart disease, premature aging, respiratory problems, and cancer. It is reported that the massive cellular damage caused by free radicals can be responsible for causing or accelerating many diseases. You see, when the body is in a normal healthy state, the formation and destruction of cells is normally balanced. But, during aging process and when pathological conditions are present, the formation of free radicals markedly increases and cell destruction tends to dominate.

But here is the good news. Antioxidants are the things that can combat free radicals. You see antioxidants are cells that have spare negative electrons that will gladly give them to the many free radicals that are in pursuit of them. So, the antioxidants act as a neutralizer that cures the free radical of it destructive pursuits.

I then tell them about the joke that Dr. David Simon, a co-founder with Dr. Deepak Chopra of the Chopra Center for Wellbeing?, told us the other day in our pre-launch kick off for Zrii? at the Navy Pier Ballroom in Chicago. He said something like this: "one day, two molecules bumped into each other. The other one noticed that his old friend no longer looked normal and that he was obviously troubled by something.

Concerned, the friend asked, is everything ok? The troubled molecule said, ummm, I think I am missing an electron. The other friend said, hmm, wow, that's not good, are you sure? The other molecule said, "Yes, I'm positive".

Ok, so maybe it wasn't all that funny, but I chuckled at it.

Ok, so back to the reason why I am so very excited, and it revolves around a single fruit, that is about the size of a golf ball. This fruit is called Amalaki and it is a very unique fruit indeed. It grows on a tree at about 5000 feet in elevation at the base of the Himalayas.

The Amalaki fruit has a very long recorded history. It dates back over 5000 years where we see them talking about it in old Sanskrit texts in India. In India, they have a holistic medical system called Ayurveda. In Ayurveda there are about 10,000+ herbs and plants and fruits and vegetables that make up a healing system for them. And out of the 10,000+ components, Amalaki seems to be one of the top 10 most important ingredients in the system.

Amalaki is so essential to their system, that they even have a holiday in November, that falls on the first full moon, where everyone goes out to an Amalaki tree and have a picnic underneath it to give gratitude to it for all that it does for them.

To put it in perspective, most of us know what vitamin C is. And here in the Western world, I think that the first thing we think of when we say vitamin C is that we think about Oranges. Well, the Amalaki fruit is considered by many to being the most potent source of vitamin C on the planet. This small fruit has so much vitamin C in it that it reportedly has 20 times more vitamin C in it than what you would find in a large orange. Well, one thing you have to understand is that Vitamin C, amongst other things, is a powerful antioxidant.

Almost two years ago, Bill Farley met up with the Chopra Center for Wellbeing. The Chopra Center for Wellbeing is the company that was co-founded by Dr. Deepak Chopra and Dr. David Simon. Bill Farley told them that he was searching for a new or unique fruit or botanical that he could create a product around. He asked the Chopra Center if they knew of any fruit or botanical that had special or unique properties that hadn't yet been successfully brought to the marketplace. That is when they got excited and revealed to Bill Farley about all the immensely important benefits of the Amalaki Fruit. At the same time, they told Bill Farley about why it has previously been so difficult to bring the product to the market. You know, stuff like it is a very fibrous fruit, or that the taste is very strong in so far as that it contains five of the six essential tastes (rasas); Sour, Sweet, Bitter, Pungent, and Astringent. The only taste that it is missing is that of Salty. Because of these and other challenges, it makes it difficult to eat these fruits raw.

On that very day, industrious Bill Farley, who has already created such billion dollar brands as Fruit of the Loom, BVD, Jordache Jeans, Dingo, Gitano, Christian Dior, Acme Boots, Dan Post Boots, Luchesse, and etc, walked away from that meeting with a challenge; how can I bring this wondrous fruit to the marketplace in a form that is very desirable for the consumer? Bill Farley answered the challenge by bringing together a top notch talented team scientists, experts, doctors, and formulators to figure out how to come up with a functional liquid nutritional beverage that not only tastes great but finds itself in a league of its own.

So the reason why I am so excited is that I am now part of a company that has succeeded in coming up with a break through juice. Again, up until now, no one had anyone ever been able to incorporate the Amalaki fruit into a liquid nutritional. And Bill Farley, with his extremely talented formulation team were able to come up with a drink that incorporated the special Amalaki fruit. And that juice is called Zrii?.

Not only does ZRII revolve around the Amalaki Fruit, but it synergistically blend with 6 other herbs and fruits. More importantly, it contains:

Turmeric (root) - improves circulation, digestion, it's an antiseptic, slows some cancers, treats psoriasis, and reduces inflammation

Tulsi (leaf) - improves digestion and intestinal health. Used to treat malaria, heart diseases, stomach ailments, headaches, and colds.

Schizandra (fruit) - enhances mental function and memory; it's an excellent 'brain tonic'

Jujube (fruit) - calms the nerves and serves as a mild rejuvenative

Haritaki (fruit) - serves as a mild-detoxifying agent, nourishes kidney, heart, and liver tissues

Ginger (root)- improves digestion, absorption, and assimilation and lowers cholesterol.

Zrii is a powerful Sanskrit word that means "light, luster, splendor, beauty, good fortune, prosperity, and wealth". Zrii also refers to a Hindu goddess of wealth and auspiciousness. According to the Charaka Samhita, widely considered one of the oldest and most sacred texts in all of Ayurveda, Amalaki and this Goddess are intertwined. Translated directly from the original Sanskrit in the Charaka Samhita, we read:

"One can live for as many thousands of years with youth regained, depending on how many Amalaki fruits he takes through this process. By taking these fruits to the full of his capacity, he becomes brilliant, like the gods. Of their own accord, Sri (Zrii), the Goddess of auspiciousness, the vedas (knowledge) and vak (excellent speech) attend on him in their godly forms."

Now I am not going to say that drinking 1 to 3 ounces of this a day will be the cure all. And I am not saying that Zrii will cure anything. I think we all understand to get the most out of our bodies, we must combine a healthy and active lifestyle with proper nutrition if we want to combat this health crisis.

I tell the audience that it actually was exciting that very few wanted to live to be 140, because now I know that I have something that will help most of them.

The way I see it, the modern American diet is a deadly cocktail suited for the onset of many diseases, especially that of heart disease. Whether it is that most of us eat too much or the fact that most of the foods that we do eat nowadays are too fatty, sugar-laden or simply just full of useless simple carbohydrates.

What's just as bad is that even when we do eat healthy foods, we don't derive as much benefit from them nowadays as we once did. You see, nowadays, on account of soil depletion and synthetic fertilization, today's fruits and vegetables contain far less nutrition in them than what they contained even just 60 years ago.

Take heart disease as an example. According to the article "The Heart of the Matter" from the November 2007 issue of "Breakthroughs in Health", heart disease is now thought to be caused by "the accumulation of cholesterol and fatty plaques on the inner walls of the arteries that supply the heart muscle. Heart attacks and chest pain are the symptoms of this disease and occur when the heart muscle does not receive enough blood flow. Experts now believe that inflammation, fatty foods, poor nutrition, toxins, and FREE RADICALS are at the root of this fatty buildup. Impurities and free radicals attack healthy tissues in the arteries and cause serious damage, which the body attempts to repair by coating damaged tissues in a protective layer of fatty cholesterol deposits. This cycle of damage and repair results in the build up of fatty plaques that clot blood vessels and restrict normal blood flow."

The magazine goes on to say that "Stroke is cause by a similar process in the arteries of the brain. Those fatty plaques or blood clots break apart and become lodged in the brain, blocking blood flow and causing often irreparable brain damage."

It seems that high blood pressure is a warning sign of heart problems. It is high because of all the restricted blood flow, which creates a higher pressure if you will. By cleansing the blood and keeping the cells healthy, you prevent the kind of damage that leads to the buildup of fatty plaques.

Well, the good news again is that Zrii is loaded with nutrients and anti-oxidants. And if what they say about antioxidants are true, then it seems that a regiment of an antioxidant rich liquid nutritional beverage should be able to help avoid all that cellular damage that starts the fatty build up of plaque. Remember, antioxidants have remarkable free radical scavenging abilities.

Think of it this way. Your body can heal itself. If you don't believe me, think about every time you get cut. When god made us, or if you don't believe in god, then however it is that we came about upon this planet, one thing is certain; the only way we could survive as a species was to not require a mechanic to keep us up. Did the cavemen have doctors or hospitals they could go to? No, they had to rely on their body to heal itself.

Now with doctors, and hospitals, and technology, and advanced pharmaceuticals, we can basically cheat death.

It's like a car. If you wreck it, you can take it to the body shop and they will straighten it out, and make it "look" good. But that metal will always be weak there. If you hit it again, it will make it even weaker.

So, sure, we can cheat death by taking drugs and getting artificial organs and what not, but why not do it another way? Why not keep our original body as healthy as possible. Let's not weaken the body so that the doctor can come in and make us look good. Rather let's stay good.

With all the amazing benefits that that the Amalaki fruit has, it is no wonder that throughout history has been referred to as the mother, or the nurse or the great rejuvenator. So, without boring you on any more of the health benefits of the juice, I think we will all agree that it is definitely worth looking into.

Ok, so I will step down from my soap box now. Obviously, I am very excited about this product Zrii, the Original Amalaki?, and for very good reasons. I haven't even mentioned perhaps even the best part about this company; you can become incredibly wealthy in your pursuit of sharing this incredible juice with others.

Imagine that, not only will you help your fellow man improve their health, but the company will reward you handsomely at the same time. And for me, I can't think of anything cooler than that!!!

Remember, I am just an email or a phone call away. I personally am sold on the long term benefits of taking Zrii as a supplement to provide me with all the anti-oxidants that I need.

Douglas Schwartz is an Independent Executive with Zrii LLC. Zrii and The Original Amalaki are registered trademarks of Zrii LLC. The Chopra Center is a registered trademark of the Chopra Center for Wellbeing. Douglas is a successful entrepreneur that as founder and president has made his companies millions of dollars in just the past few years. Douglas can be reached at and you can visit his website at


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