Monday, March 10, 2008

Don't Smoke, No Retirement, Cold-showers - Secrets to Receiving Your 100th

I can't remember having met anyone who lived to their 100th birthday, although I know it happens. My wife and I joke that we're going to live to 102 and 100 and die together, after both receiving our 100th birthday gifts from our kids. What are our odds and how do we make it there?

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, today, more than 70,000 Americans are 100 years old, and that number will grow dramatically during the next century. Unless I'm off on my math, that's about 1 in every 5,000 Americans. So the American centenarian is a rare, but a growing part of the population.

Because our goal is to age this well, I've done a little research on centenarians who've made it their 100th birthday. My wife and I have decided against holding their secrets to ourselves, because we'll want some folks our age to hold a dance with for our 100th birthday party. So, without further adieu, we reveal the fountain of youth.

Don't Drink or Smoke
The "New England Centenarian Study" by Thomas Perls M.D., M.P.H. examines people age 100 and above in order to help everyone else learn how to age well. Most important is to avoid smoking, eat well, and exercise. As Mormons, this part didn't bother us too bad, but we have some friends who might drop out of the centenarian race just for their favorite unhealthy habits. "Who wants to go to your party without smoking and drinking anyway?" They'd probably say.

Dr. Perls has created a calculator on that estimates your life expectancy. I took the test and it told me I'm only going to make it to 90 years. Dang it. Here's what I'm going to have to fix:

  1. Move my exercise from 3 to 6 times per week (will give me 5 years).

  2. Start going to the Doctor for checkups (will give me 2 years).

  3. Reduce my stress level and the hours I work every week (3 years).

Those changes will get me there, but I wonder about number three. Some sage centenarians have hinted otherwise.

No Retirement
Richard Bird, an attorney in Utah, says, "My feeling is that people who stop working die...this (coming daily to the office) keeps me interested, it keeps me alive, and that's why I continue to do it." (see Deseret Morning News, April 13, 2007). I tend to agree with Bird, the thought of retirement sounds boring and unfulfilled. I'm going to keep on working and serving until I receive my 100th birthday gift.

NPR tells the story of the 100 year old on Wallstreet, Irving Kahn. He rang the New York Stock Exchange bell on his hundredth birthday and still serves as chairman of an investment management firm. I think he'd side with Richard Bird and with me, rather than with Dr. Perls.

My last piece of advice, by far the most humorous, comes from Edward Rondthaler, who writes a weekly column for his local newspaper, walks a half-mile every morning and drives himself on errands around his hometown of Croton-on-Hudson, New York (CNN, November 16, 2005). Rondthaler recounts, "When my brother in 1918 came home from the army, he said, 'Ed, whenever you take a hot shower, end it with an ice cold one and count to 100.' When your older brother tells you to do something, you do it...I've learned to count pretty fast. It gets you out of the tub quickly."

There you have it folks, the secrets to attending our dance party and joining us in opening our 100th birthday gift. Don't smoke or drink, keep working and living and take cold showers. We hope to see you there.

Learn more about a great 100th birthday gift at or by visiting:

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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Velform Chin Wrap - Reduce Your Sagging Chin

Many people develop a double chin as they age, and it is an ugly side effect of aging. Surgery can correct a double chin and remove the excess fat and skin, but not everyone wants to have a face lift or operation. For those people who want to restore their double chin to a more youthful look without going under the knife, there is a product that can help.

A double chin is caused by fat deposits that gradually stretch out the sin and cause the chin's sagging appearance. If you want to get rid of your double chin the first thing you need to do is to start a diet and exercise program that will help you to lose excess fat all over your body. Because a double chin is nothing more than an excess fat store, consuming fewer calories than you take in will help to reduce the fat. Although a general diet and exercise program will help to reduce your sagging chin, it can be a stubborn area to tone as exercising it can be a challenge.

Some people will find success in this method alone, and other will notice only a small reduction in the fat under their chin. Everyone stores fat differently and while the proper diet and exercise will help everyone to varying degrees, some people need more help than others. This is why many people turn to specialized chin exercises and chin wraps, such as the Velform chin wrap. This chin wrap is designed to re-firm the chin and reduce the look of sagging. Many people have great success with the Velform chin wrap and after using it correctly find that they have a firm, taught chin once again.

The Velform chin wrap works in combination with a reaffirming reducer gel that helps to firm your chin and reduce the sagging. You simply apply the gel to your chin and neck, slip on the chin wrap, adjust it to your chin using the simple closures, and enjoy the feeling of a firmer chin. The Velform chin wrap raises your sagging chin and allows the reaffirming gel to tone and tighten it.

The chin wrap allows the gel to penetrate the skin and fat cells helping to reduce the fat and re-firm the hanging skin. The Velform chin wrap only has to be used twice a day, once for 10 minutes and once at 20 minutes. Results can usually be seen within a week with full results happening after a month. The chin wrap is easy to use and adjusts easily to any chin size with elastic and simple fasteners.

Find out more information about losing a double chin with Velform Chin Wrap.

Velform Chin Wrap Information --

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Monday, March 3, 2008

Wrinkle Creams For A Younger Looking Skin

Many people are now benefiting from having younger looking skin as its opening great career options for them and help them look, often ten to twenty years younger. They're now anti wrinkle as well as ant aging, so one can enjoy fabulous, younger looking skin right away.

The Best Wrinkle Cream quality varies from person to person depending on skin type of each person. If the skin is oily then different type of wrinkle cream is required else different type. So while purchasing wrinkle cream one must look at these points. A cream may give positive results to some users in two weeks time but can give same results to other users after months of use. Sometimes, a side effect may even occur and give certain users rashes and other side effects. All best wrinkle creams make a promise that users will get positive results after its regular use. However, the results may differ for each individual. One may buy a suitable cream by finding out its composition. There are many ways to find the best wrinkle cream, which is most suitable to your skin.

Wrinkle creams may have several other components like Hyaluronan or hyaluronic acid. These are used in skin care for the moisturizing effect and to reduce facial wrinkles very effectively. Collagen which has Vitamin C is one of the essential substances to reduce the appearance of wrinkles brought about by aging.

Some users call wrinkle cream as 'face lift cream' in a bottle. It makes the skin firm as it tightens the skin such that the user looks much younger. Therefore, the name of the cream is not that important and the kind of use the user looks for is much more important.

Most women don't go for the ingredients of product as long as it works for them or give its intended benefit. But when a product conflicts with the religion then it causes a great problem, so one should take proper care in deciding the ingredients.

If a user is having wrinkles due to aging, she/he may go for a cream with Collagen. They can also use creams with Vitamin C and Vitamin E. These both can certainly heal the skin tissues and serve as an antioxidant. They also help in reducing appearance of wrinkles brought about by aging. They also help in reducing appearance of wrinkles brought about by aging. As air pollution is increasing anti-aging wrinkle cream are being used as skin care is becoming very important. People go for cream which is environment friendly and help in toning their skin.

Jen Hopkins has worked in the wrinkle reducer industry for years. He maintains websites about anti wrinkle cream reviews and anti aging creams. If you want to contact him, you can use the contact for at one of his sites.

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